FloridaJS AWS Serverless Demo

This project demonstrates how to create installable serverless web applications in AWS

Developer Environment Setup


  1. AWS Account
  2. AWS CLI
  3. SAM CLI
  4. Node JS
  5. Visual Studio Code
    • You can use other IDEs, but this repo assumes VS Code
  6. Mac, Linux or Windows Subsystem for Linux
    • You can run this on Windows, but the deploy scripts use bash

Install Dependencies

# Install Dependencies
npm i --prefix backend
npm i --prefix frontend

Build & Deploy

Review and modify the deploy-dev.sh script variables.

  • PROFILE: Your AWS CLI Profile
  • REGION: Your AWS Deployment Region
  • BUCKET: Your Artifact Bucket name. Must be created beforehand.
  • ENVIRONMENT: Used for naming and tagging
  • ADMIN_USER_EMAIL: Change this to your email account
  • STACK_NAME: This will be your CloudFormation stack name. Prefer lower case.
# Deploy the stack
chomd +x deploy.sh
chomd +x deploy-dev.sh
  1. Check your Email for the Invite from Cognito
  2. Check the CloudFormation stack output for your CloudFront App URL

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