
Wrong lables

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I have been trying to find labels just for tabular data. First of all there are too many None values in image column. I have tried filtering based on category_id=4 i.e., Table. After filtering, I got the Bbox and created a seperate column and tried seperating only the filtered images. When I looked into the filtered images there were too many images in which there was no table or table like structure present. Then, I tried creating the bbox over it and was getting the incorrect bounding box which is covering the partial table or in many cases no table at all. I am reading the bbox as (xmin ymin w h). Have tried other variations as well. Am I missing something here. Please help

Hi ajjimeno,
PFA two examples would provide more if required :-

Image name:- PMC522826_00007.jpg
BBOX :- [35.89, 130.41, 514.03, 602.48]


Image Name:- PMC2248230_00005.jpg
BBOX:- [36.0, 73.05, 522.01, 66.05]


Image Name:- PMC1410770_00002.jpg
BBOX :- [123.5, 59.5, 390.0, 619.0]


This is a partial table covering example. I am yet to come across an example which is perfectly annotated. Enough to create the doubt on my approach. Let me know what am I missing here.

Thanks a lot. :)

Hi, I had the chance to go through the given notebook and used to same code on the said examples. But the results looked identical 🙄

maybe a lot. I have tried filtering 5 images based on category_id=3, not correct at all.
