
(Deprecated) Bluemix Object Storage Android SDK

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

This project has been deprecated and is no longer actively maintained. Proceed at your own risk!

#IBM Bluemix Mobile Services - Object Storage Android SDK

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This is the IBM® Bluemix® Object Storage SDK for Android. Object Storage is a cloud storage solution where each account has containers in it, and each folder holds objects. Objects are used to store any data. As a simple example to understand the concept, think of containers as folders and objects as files.

###Adding the SDK to an existing Android project To add the Object Storage SDK to your project, go to your module's build.gradle and add this into the dependencies{} closure:

compile 'com.ibm.bluemixmobileservices.clientsdk.android:objectstorage:1.+'

###Before using the SDK In order to use this SDK, the BMSClient needs to be initialized as follows:

BMSClient.initialize(getApplicationContext(), BMSClient.REGION_US_SOUTH);

The first parameter is the application's context, which you can get from any of your activities by calling activity.getApplicationContext(). Change the second parameter to the Bluemix region you are working from.

###Using the SDK ####Initializing the SDK and Authenticating to the Object Storage service First, start by initializing the Object Storage SDK as follows:


Where the region is the region where the Object Storage is.

Next, using your Object Storage service instance's service credentials, authenticate to the server:

    ObjectStorage.connect(projectID, userID, password, new ObjectStorageResponseListener<String>(){
        public void onSuccess(String authToken) {
            //Handle success
        public void onFailure(Response response, Throwable t, JSONObject extendedInfo) {
            //Handle failure

After authenticating, you are now free to use the rest of the Object Storage functionality.

####Create, retrieve and delete containers Create new containers as follows:

    ObjectStorage.createContainer(containerName, new ObjectStorageResponseListener<ObjectStorageContainer>(){
        public void onSuccess(ObjectStorageContainer container) {
            //Handle success
        public void onFailure(Response response, Throwable t, JSONObject extendedInfo) {
            //Handle failure

This will return an ObjectStorageContainer in the onSuccess callback.

Retrieve existing containers as follows:

    ObjectStorage.getContainer(containerName, new ObjectStorageResponseListener<ObjectStorageContainer>(){
        public void onSuccess(ObjectStorageContainer container) {
            //Handle success
        public void onFailure(Response response, Throwable t, JSONObject extendedInfo) {
            //Handle failure

This will return an ObjectStorageContainer in the onSuccess callback.

Get a list of all containers in this account:

    ObjectStorage.getContainerList(containerName, new ObjectStorageResponseListener<List<ObjectStorageContainer>>(){
        public void onSuccess(List<ObjectStorageContainer> containerList) {
            //Handle success
        public void onFailure(Response response, Throwable t, JSONObject extendedInfo) {
            //Handle failure

This will return a list of ObjectStorageContainer in the onSuccess callback.

Delete a container:

    ObjectStorage.deleteContainer(containerName, new ObjectStorageResponseListener<Void>(){
        public void onSuccess(Void noReturnValue) {
            //Handle success
        public void onFailure(Response response, Throwable t, JSONObject extendedInfo) {
            //Handle failure

or you can also call ObjectStorageContainer.delete(). This will only call the onSuccess callback; no return value is given.

####Create, update, retrieve, load and delete objects To upload a new object to Object Storage with its associated data:

    byte[] objectData = getObjectDataAsBytes();
    container.storeObject(containerName, objectData, new ObjectStorageResponseListener<ObjectStorageObject>(){
        public void onSuccess(ObjectStorageObject storedObject) {
            //Handle success
        public void onFailure(Response response, Throwable t, JSONObject extendedInfo) {
            //Handle failure

This will return an ObjectStorageObject in the onSuccess callback.

To retrieve an object that was already uploaded to Object Storage:

    container.getObject(containerName, new ObjectStorageResponseListener<ObjectStorageObject>(){
        public void onSuccess(ObjectStorageObject storedObject) {
            //Handle success
        public void onFailure(Response response, Throwable t, JSONObject extendedInfo) {
            //Handle failure

This will return an ObjectStorageObject in the onSuccess callback.

To get a list of all the objects available in a given container:

    container.getObjectList(containerName, new ObjectStorageResponseListener<List<ObjectStorageObject>>(){
        public void onSuccess(List<ObjectStorageObject> storedObjectList) {
            //Handle success
        public void onFailure(Response response, Throwable t, JSONObject extendedInfo) {
            //Handle failure

This will return a list of ObjectStorageObject in the onSuccess callback.

To delete an object:

    container.deleteObject(containerName, new ObjectStorageResponseListener<Void>(){
        public void onSuccess(Void noReturnValue) {
            //Handle success
        public void onFailure(Response response, Throwable t, JSONObject extendedInfo) {
            //Handle failure

This will call the onSuccess callback with no return value. You can also call storedObject.delete() for the same effect.

You can use the ObjectStorageObject to load the object's data contents:

    storedObject.load(shouldCache, new ObjectStorageResponseListener<byte[]>(){
        public void onSuccess(byte[] objectData) {
            //Handle success
        public void onFailure(Response response, Throwable t, JSONObject extendedInfo) {
            //Handle failure

This will return the object's data as a byte[]. Note that you can choose to cache or not; if you choose to do so, the object's data will be kept in memory and can be accessed by calling storedObject.getCachedData().

####Get and update account/container/object metadata You can add metadata to your object storage account, or to any container or object, which will be kept in Object Storage alongside everything else. For example, you can use this to indicate a Category for the containers, or an author for the object, and so on.

To add metadata to your Object Storage account:

    Map<String,String> metadataUpdates = new HashMap<String,String>();
    metadataUpdates.put(ObjectStorage.METADATA_PREFIX + "Author", "Daniel González");
    ObjectStorage.updateAccountMetadata(metadataUpdates, new ObjectStorageResponseListener<Void>(){
        public void onSuccess(Void noReturnValue) {
            //Handle success
        public void onFailure(Response response, Throwable t, JSONObject extendedInfo) {
            //Handle failure

This will call the onSuccess callback with no return value.

To get the account's metadata:

    ObjectStorage.getAccountMetadata(new ObjectStorageResponseListener<Map<String, List<String>(){
        public void onSuccess(Map<String, List<String> metadata) {
            //Handle success
        public void onFailure(Response response, Throwable t, JSONObject extendedInfo) {
            //Handle failure

This will return the account metadata on the onSuccess callback.

To update a container's metadata:

    Map<String,String> metadataUpdates = new HashMap<String,String>();
    metadataUpdates.put(ObjectStorageContainer.METADATA_PREFIX + "Category", "Literature");
    container.updateMetadata(metadataUpdates, new ObjectStorageResponseListener<Void>(){
        public void onSuccess(Void noReturnValue) {
            //Handle success
        public void onFailure(Response response, Throwable t, JSONObject extendedInfo) {
            //Handle failure

This will call the onSuccess callback with no return value.

To get a container's metadata:

    container.getMetadata(new ObjectStorageResponseListener<Map<String, List<String>>(){
        public void onSuccess(Map<String, List<String> metadata) {
            //Handle success
        public void onFailure(Response response, Throwable t, JSONObject extendedInfo) {
            //Handle failure

This will return the container's metadata on the onSuccess callback.

To update an object's metadata:

    Map<String,String> metadataUpdates = new HashMap<String,String>();
    metadataUpdates.put(ObjectStorageObject.METADATA_PREFIX + "Author", "Daniel González");
    storedObject.updateMetadata(metadataUpdates, new ObjectStorageResponseListener<Void>(){
        public void onSuccess(Void noReturnValue) {
            //Handle success
        public void onFailure(Response response, Throwable t, JSONObject extendedInfo) {
            //Handle failure

This will call the onSuccess callback with no return value.

To get an object's metadata:

    storedObject.getMetadata(new ObjectStorageResponseListener<Map<String, List<String>>(){
        public void onSuccess(Map<String, List<String> metadata) {
            //Handle success
        public void onFailure(Response response, Throwable t, JSONObject extendedInfo) {
            //Handle failure

This will return the object's metadata on the onSuccess callback.

###Supported Levels The package is supported on Android API level 17 and up (Android 4.2.x and up).

###Change log


  • Fixed bug where invalid containers/objects would be included when retrieving lists of containers/objects.


  • Initial release.


Copyright 2016 IBM Corp.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.