
IBM Cloud Mobile Services - Server side NodeJs SDK for IBM Cloud Push Notifications Service

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

IBM Cloud Mobile Services - Push Notifications server-side SDK for NodeJs

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The IBM Cloud Push Notifications service provides a unified push service to send real-time notifications to mobile and web applications. The Node.js SDK is used for sending push notifications through the IBM Cloud Push Notifications service.

Ensure that you go through IBM Cloud Push Notifications service documentation before you start.



  • Ensure that the following prerequisites are in place:

     var PushNotifications = require('ibm-push-notifications').PushNotifications;
     var Notification = require('ibm-push-notifications').Notification;
     var PushMessageBuilder = require('ibm-push-notifications').PushMessageBuilder;
     var PushNotificationsApiKey = require('ibm-push-notifications').PushNotificationsWithApiKey;


npm install ibm-push-notifications --save

Initialize SDK

Initialize PushNotifications with details about your IBM Cloud Push Notifications service.

  • Initialize with AppSecret

     var myPushNotifications = new PushNotifications(PushNotifications.Region.US_SOUTH, "your-push-app-guid", "your-push-service-appSecret");
  • Initialize with ApiKey

     var myPushNotifications = new PushNotificationsApiKey(PushNotifications.Region.US_SOUTH, "your-push-app-guid", "your-push-push-apikey");
     // Get authtoken
     	console.log(hastoken, token);

Note: If you are using the APIKEY for Initialisation kindly call getAuthToken() , bofre sending any notification. This will add an Authorization header for the request.

The first parameter in the initializer is the IBM Cloud region where the Push Notifications service is hosted. The four options are :

  • PushNotifications.Region.US_SOUTH

  • PushNotifications.Region.UK

  • PushNotifications.Region.SYDNEY

  • PushNotifications.Region.JP_TOK

  • PushNotifications.Region.FRANKFURT

  • PushNotifications.Region.US_EAST

    If null is supplied for the last 2 parameters, their values will be automatically retrieved from the IBM Cloud app's environment variables, provided that your Node.js app is bound to the IBM Cloud app. If you are using dedicated service, use overrideServerHost and add any of the bluemixRegion (IBM Cloud region) value.

     PushNotifications.overrideServerHost = "YOUR_SERVICE_HOST";
     var myPushNotifications = new PushNotifications(PushNotifications.Region.US_SOUTH, "your-push-app-guid", "your-push-service-appSecret");

Simple Notification

Create the push notification that you want to broadcast by supplying the alert message you want to be displayed. An optional URL may be supplied with the alert.

	var message = PushMessageBuilder.Message.alert("20% Off for you")
	var notificationExample =  Notification.message(message).build();

Notification options

You can specify which devices, users, platforms, tag-subscriptions the notification should be sent to and customize the alert they receive.

  1. Create the target. You can either set deviceIds or userIds or platforms or tagNames.

    The following code snippet uses platforms, same way you can do it for deviceIds(...) or userIds(...) or tagNames(...).

    var target = PushMessageBuilder.Target.platforms(
        [Notification.Platform.Apple, Notification.Platform.Google,
  2. Create the message as listed:

    var message = PushMessageBuilder.Message.alert("20% Off Offer for you")

    Functionality added for FirefoxWeb, ChromeWeb, SafariWeb, ChromeAppExtension and extra optional settings introduced for Apns and FCM.

  3. Set all the optional settings for platforms (APNs, FCM, Safari etc).

  • APNs

     	//For APNs settings
     	var apns = PushMessageBuilder.APNs.badge(1).interactiveCategory("Accept")
     	    .payload({ "alert" : "20% Off for you" }).titleLocKey("OFFER")
     	    .titleLocArgs(["Jenna","Frank"]).locArgs(["Jenna","Frank"]).subtitle("IBM Cloud")
  • FCM

     	/* Options style and lights are new optional settings added to FCM,
     	/ * If your require lights and style settings you can create style and lights objects as listed           
     	var style = PushMessageBuilder.FCMStyle.type(Notification.FCMStyleTypes
     	    .BIGTEXT_NOTIFICATION).text("IBM Push").title("Big Text Notification").url("https://developer.blackberry.com/native/files/documentation/images/text_messages_icon.png")
     	    .lines(["IBM", "IBM Cloud", "Big Text Notification"]).build();
     	var lights = PushMessageBuilder.FCMLights.ledArgb(Notification.FCMLED.BLACK)
     	//Also timetolive setting is provided which specifies how long (in seconds)
     	//The message should be kept in FCM storage if the device is offline.
     	var fcm = PushMessageBuilder.FCM.collapseKey("ping")
     		.payload({ "alert" : "20% Off for you" })
     		.androidTitle("Title for Android")
  • Safari

     	//For Safari. 
     	//All the three settings are mandatory to provide.
     	var safariWeb = PushMessageBuilder.SafariWeb.title("IBM").urlArgs(["www.IBM.com"])
  • Firefox

     	//For Firefox
     	var firefoxWeb = PushMessageBuilder.FirefoxWeb.title("IBM")
     	    .timeToLive(1.0).payload({ "alert" : "20% Off for you" }).build();
  • ChromeAppExtension

     	//For ChromeAppExtension. 
     	//You need to provide proper iconUrl or else chromeApp would not work.
     	var chromeAppExt = PushMessageBuilder.ChromeAppExt.collapseKey("ping")
     	    .payload({ "alert" : "20% Off for you" }).build();
  • Chrome

     	//For Chrome
     	var chromeWeb = PushMessageBuilder.ChromeWeb.title("IBM")
     	    .timeToLive(1.0).payload({ "alert" : "20% Off for you" }).build();
  1. Create settings with all platforms optional settings.

    var settings = PushMessageBuilder.Settings.apns(apns).fcm(fcm).safariWeb(safariWeb)
  2. Create final notification using target, settings, and message.

    var notificationExample = Notification.message(message)
  3. Send the Push notification.

    myPushNotifications.send(notificationExample, function(error, response, body) {
        console.log("Error: " + error);
        console.log("Response: " + JSON.stringify(response));
        console.log("Body: " + body);

Send bulk Push Notifications

To send bulk push notifications do the following,

myPushNotifications.sendbulk([notificationExample,notificationExample1,notificationExample2], function(error, response, body) {
	    console.log("Error: " + error);
	    console.log("Response: " + JSON.stringify(response));
	    console.log("Body: " + body);

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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.