IBM Bluemix App Launch Sample Android HelloAppLaunch

The Bluemix App Launch service App Launch service on Bluemix helps in controlled reach of app features. It provides a unified service to customize and personalize your applications to different audience with just few clicks.

Ensure that you go through Bluemix App Launch service documentation before you start.


##Setup App Launch Service

Creating the service

Create feature

Creating a feature

Create feature

Creating an audience

Create audience

Creating an engagement

Create engagement


  • Android API level 14 or later
  • Android 4.0 or later
  • Android Studio
  • Gradle
  • BMSCore SDKs installed by using either Android Studio or Gradle


Choose to integrate the App Launch Service Android Client SDK package using either of the following options:

  • Download and import the package to your Android Studio project

Initialize SDK

Include client App Launch SDK

Import applaunch-client-android.aar as a module into the project and Configure the app module build.gradle files.

  1. Add Bluemix App Launch Android SDK dependency and BMS Core dependency to your app module build.gradle file.

    dependencies {
        compile project(':applaunch-client-android')
         compile '[2.0.0,3.0.0)'
  2. Configure the AndroidManifest.xml file. Refer the example here. Add the following permissions inside application's AndroidManifest.xml file.

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/>


A common place to put the initialization code is theonCreate()method of the main activity in your Android application:

// Initialize the SDK
  AppLaunch.getInstance().initApp(getApplication(), "bluemixRegionSuffix","appGUID","clientSecret");

Where bluemixRegionSuffix specifies the location where the app is hosted. You can use any of the following values:


The appGUID is the app launch app GUID value, while clientSecret is the appLaunch client secret value which can be obtained from the service console.

Note: initApp should be the first call in the application. Edit the sample applications to update your service details


To register the user invoke AppLaunch.getInstance().registerUser() api:

// Register the user
        AppLaunchParameters appLaunchParameters = new AppLaunchParameters();
        AppLaunch.getInstance().registerUser("userId", appLaunchParameters,new AppLaunchResponseListener() {
            public void onSuccess(AppLaunchResponse appLaunchResponse) {

            public void onFailure(AppLaunchFailResponse appLaunchFailResponse) {


Get Actons

Use the AppLaunch.getInstance().getActions() API to fetch all the actions assosicated with the application.


Here AppLaunchActions is an interface which has to be implemented in the application. The interface provides callback methods which gets triggered if the features are present in the actions.

Feature Toggle

Check if feature is enabled

Use the AppLaunch.getInstance().isFeatureEnabled() API to check if a particular feature is enabled for the application. This api returns true if the feature is enable for the application else false.


Note:Throws AppLaunchException if isFeatureEnabled is invoked before getActions() api.
Edit the sample applications to update your feature code

Get variable for feature

Use the AppLaunch.getInstance().getVariableForFeature() to fetch the variable corresponding to a feature


This api returns the varaible corresponding to the variable code for a particular feature.

Note:Throws AppLaunchException if getVariableForFeature is invoked before getActions() api.

Edit the sample applications to update your featurecode and variablecode


Send Metrics

To send metrics to the server use the AppLaunch.getInstance().sendMetrics(); api. This sends the metrics information to the server


Edit the sample applications to update your metriccode

Applaunch Android SDK

For more information on the Applaunch Android SDK api, visit - AppLaunch Android SDK

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