
Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Cordova Plugin for JSONStore SDK

Before you begin

Make sure you install the following tools and libraries.

To create a Cordova application, use the Cordova Plugin for JSONStore SDK:

  1. Create a Cordova application
  2. Add Cordova platforms
  3. Add Cordova plugin
  4. Configure your platform

Installing the Cordova Plugin for JSONStore SDK

1. Creating a Cordova application

  1. Run the following commands to create a new Cordova application. Alternatively you can use an existing application as well.

    $ cordova create {appName}
    $ cd {appName}
  2. Edit config.xml file and set the desired application name in the <name> element instead of a default HelloCordova.

  3. Continue editing config.xml.


For iOS, update the <platform name="ios"> element with a deployment target declaration as shown in the code snippet below.

<platform name="ios">
	<preference name="deployment-target" value="8.0" />
	<!-- add deployment target declaration -->

For Android, update the <platform name="android"> element with a minimum and target SDK versions as shown in the code snippet below.

<platform name="android">
	<preference name="android-minSdkVersion" value="15" />
	<preference name="android-targetSdkVersion" value="23" />
	<!-- add minimum and target Android API level declaration -->

> The minSdkVersion should be above 14.

> The targetSdkVersion should always reflect the latest Android SDK available from Google.

2. Adding Cordova platforms

Run the following commands for the platforms that you want to add to your Cordova application

cordova platform add ios

cordova platform add android

cordova platform add windows

3. Adding Cordova plugin

Run the following command from your Cordova application's root directory to add the ibm-mfp-core plugin:

cordova plugin add https://github.com/ibm-bluemix-mobile-services/jsonstore-cordova

You can check if the plugin installed successfully by running the following command, which lists your installed Cordova plugins:

cordova plugin list

4. Configuring your platform

Configuring Your iOS Environment

  1. Build your iOS project by running the following command:
cordova build ios

Configuring your Android Environment

  1. Build your Android project by running the following command:
cordova build android

Configuring your Windows Phone Enviroment

  1. Build your Windows project by running the following command:
	cordova build windows

5. Security

Note on Security: By default security is disabled and if you wish to use it please follow the instructions below. You can retrieve the files needed by extacting them from jsonstore_encryption.zip.

Configuring your iOS environment

  1. Add the following files to your Link Binary with Libraries in Build Phases:

Configuring your Android enviroment

  1. Add the following files to your libs
  1. Add the following files to your jniLibs
	 	- libuvpn.so
	 	- libuvpn.so
  1. Add the following to your build.gradle within the dependencies block.
	 compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
  1. Add the following to your assets directory.

API References

Initialize and open connections, get an Accessor, and add data

		var collectionName = 'people';
        // Object that defines all the collections.
        var collections = {
            // Object that defines the 'people' collection.
            people : {
                // Object that defines the Search Fields for the 'people' collection.
                searchFields : {name: 'string', age: 'integer'}
        // Optional options object.
        var options = {
            // Optional username, default 'jsonstore'.
            username : 'saito',
            // Optional password, default no password.
            password : '123',

        JSONStore.init(collections, options)
            .then(function () {
                // Data to add, you probably want to get
                // this data from a network call
                var data = [{name: 'saito', age: 10}];

                // Optional options for add.
                var addOptions = {
                    // Mark data as dirty (true = yes, false = no), default true.
                    markDirty: true
                // Get an accessor to the people collection and add data.
                return JSONStore.get(collectionName).add(data, addOptions);
        .then(function (numberOfDocumentsAdded) {
            // Add was successful.
        .fail(function (errorObject) {
            // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations (init, add).

Find - locate documents inside the Store

        var collectionName = 'people';

        // Find all documents that match the queries.
        var queryPart1 = JSONStore.QueryPart()
                   .equal('name', 'ayumu')
                   .lessOrEqualThan('age', 10)

        var options = {
            // Returns a maximum of 10 documents, default no limit.
            limit: 10,
            // Skip 0 documents, default no offset.
            offset: 0,
            // Search fields to return, default: ['_id', 'json'].
            filter: ['_id', 'json'],
            // How to sort the returned values, default no sort.
            sort: [{name: constant.ASCENDING}, {age: constant.DESCENDING}]
        // Alternatives:
        // - findById(1, options) which locates documents by their _id field
        // - findAll(options) which returns all documents
        // - find({'name': 'ayumu', age: 10}, options) which finds all documents
        // that match the query.
            .advancedFind([queryPart1], options)
                .then(function (arrayResults) {
                    // arrayResults = [{_id: 1, json: {name: 'ayumu', age: 10}}]
            .fail(function (errorObject) {
                // Handle failure.

Replace - change the documents that are already stored inside a Collection

        var collectionName = 'people';
        // Documents will be located with their '_id' field 
        // and replaced with the data in the 'json' field.
        var docs = [{_id: 1, json: {name: 'hayatashin', age: 99}}];

        var options = {
            // Mark data as dirty (true = yes, false = no), default true.
            markDirty: true

            .replace(docs, options)
                .then(function (numberOfDocumentsReplaced) {
                    // Handle success.
            .fail(function (errorObject) {
                // Handle failure.

Remove - delete all documents that match the query

        var collectionName = 'people';
        // Remove all documents that match the queries.
        var queries = [{_id: 1}];

        var options = {
            // Exact match (true) or fuzzy search (false), default fuzzy search.
            exact: true,
            // Mark data as dirty (true = yes, false = no), default true.
            markDirty: true

            .remove(queries, options)
                .then(function (numberOfDocumentsRemoved) {
                    // Handle success.
                .fail(function (errorObject) {
                    // Handle failure.

Count - gets the total number of documents that match a query

        var collectionName = 'people';
        // Count all documents that match the query.
        // The default query is '{}' which will 
        // count every document in the collection.
        var query = {name: 'shin'}; 
        var options = {
            // Exact match (true) or fuzzy search (false), default fuzzy search.
            exact: true

            .count(query, options)
                .then(function (numberOfDocumentsThatMatchedTheQuery) {
                    // Handle success.
                .fail(function (errorObject) {
                    // Handle failure.

Destroy - wipes data for all users, destroys the internal storage, and clears security artifacts

            .then(function () {
                // Handle success.
            .fail(function (errorObject) {
                // Handle failure.

Security - enable encryption


Security - close access to all opened Collections for the current user

            .then(function () {
                // Handle success.
            .fail(function (errorObject) {
                // Handle failure.

Security - change the password that is used to access a Store

       // The password should be user input. 
       // It is hard-coded in the example for brevity.
       var oldPassword = '123';
       var newPassword = '456';

       var clearPasswords = function () {
           oldPassword = null;
           newPassword = null;

       // Default username if none is passed is: 'jsonstore'.
       var username = 'kenshin';

       JSONStore.changePassword(oldPassword, newPassword, username)
           .then(function () {
               // Make sure you do not leave the password(s) in memory.
               // Handle success.
           .fail(function (errorObject) {
               // Make sure you do not leave the password(s) in memory.
               // Handle failure.

Check whether a document is dirty

        var collectionName = 'people';
        var doc = {_id: 1, json: {name: 'hoshikata', age: 99}};

                .then(function (isDocumentDirty) {
                    // Handle success.
                    // isDocumentDirty - true if dirty, false otherwise.
                .fail(function (errorObject) {
                    // Handle failure.

Check the number of dirty documents

        var collectionName = 'people';
                .then(function (numberOfDirtyDocuments) {
                    // Handle success.
                .fail(function (errorObject) {
                    // Handle failure.

Remove a collection.

        var collectionName = 'people';

                .then(function () {
                    // Handle success.
                    // Note: You must call the 'init' API to re-use the empty collection.
                    // See the 'clear' API if you just want to remove all data that is inside.
                .fail(function (errorObject) {
                    // Handle failure.

Clear all data that is in a collection

       var collectionName = 'people';
                .then(function () {
                    // Handle success.
                    // Note: You might want to use the 'removeCollection' API
                    // instead if you want to change the search fields.
                .fail(function (errorObject) {
                    // Handle failure.

Start a transaction, add some data, remove a document, commit the transaction and roll back the transaction if there is a failure

            .then(function () {
                // Handle startTransaction success.
                // You can call every JSONStore API method except:
                // init, destroy, removeCollection, and closeAll.

                var data = [{name: 'junko'}];
                return JSONStore.get(collectionName).add(data);
            .then(function () {
                    var docs = [{_id: 1, json: {name: 'junko'}}];
                    return JSONStore.get(collectionName).remove(docs);
            .then(function () {
                return JSONStore.commitTransaction();
            .fail(function (errorObject) {
                // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operation.
                //(startTransaction, add, remove).
                    .then(function () {
                        // Handle rollback success.
                    .fail(function () {
                        // Handle rollback failure.

Get file information

            .then(function (res) {
                //res => [{isEncrypted : true, name : kyo, size : 3072}]
            .fail(function () {
                // Handle failure.

Search with like, rightLike, and leftLike

       // Match all records that contain the search string on both sides.
       // %searchString%
       var arr1 = JSONStore.QueryPart().like('name', 'ca');  // returns {name: 'carlos', age: 10}
       var arr2 = JSONStore.QueryPart().like('name', 'los');  // returns {name: 'carlos', age: 10}

       // Match all records that contain the search string on the left side and anything on the right side.
       // searchString%
       var arr1 = JSONStore.QueryPart().rightLike('name', 'ca');  // returns {name: 'carlos', age: 10}
       var arr2 = JSONStore.QueryPart().rightLike('name', 'los');  // returns nothing

       // Match all records that contain the search string on the right side and anything on the left side.
       // %searchString
       var arr = JSONStore.QueryPart().leftLike('name', 'ca');  // returns nothing
       var arr2 = JSONStore.QueryPart().leftLike('name', 'los');  // returns {name: 'carlos', age: 10}


This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2 license.

You can find the license here.