Mobile Foundation with Ionic

Bluemix Mobile Foundation Starter with Ionic 3 in Cordova


Table of Contents


This Bluemix Mobile Starter showcases the getting started steps for Ionic 3 with Mobile Foundation on Bluemix.


Mobile Foundation Dependency Management

Run the below command to install all the node modules required for building the application.

$ npm install

Mobile Foundation Configuration

This starter invokes an adapter in a Mobile foundation server.

  • Go to the platforms/android folder and find the shell scripts by name and Ensure that you have execute and write permissions in order to run these scripts.
  • Run This should set up the Mobile Foundation prereqs for running the starter.
  • Go to the platforms/ios folder and find the shell scripts by name and Ensure that you have execute and write permissions in order to run these scripts.

  • Run This should set up the Mobile Foundation prereqs for running the starter

  • Update the platforms to get the latest cordova platforms

$ ionic cordova platform update android ios
  • (Optional) Only if the above step (cordova platform update) fails in updating the ios platform, please remove and add the ios platform again.
$ ionic cordova platform rm ios
$ ionic cordova platform add ios
  • Add the mfp cordova plugin
$ ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-mfp
  • Replace url in config.xml with the host of the mobile foundation provisioned for you. <mfp:server runtime="mfp" url="" />

  • Build the ionic application to run ionic build scripts

$ ionic build
  • Open the project under platforms/android in Android Studio and perform a Gradle Sync.
  • Open the project under platforms/ios in XCode and build it.


You can now run the application on a simulator or physical device:


This package contains code licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may obtain a copy of the License at and may also view the License in the LICENSE file within this package.