
Sample written in Objective using Swift SDK for IBM Cloud push service

Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Sample written in Objective using Swift SDK for IBM Cloud push service


  • Xcode 10+
  • Swift 4.+
  • push service


Configure Service

Create a push service and configure for iOS notification - follow this doc

Configure app

  1. Create a pod file by running pod init in your projects root folder
  2. run pod install
  3. open the projectName.xcworkspace in Xcode
  4. Create a .swift file named BMSPushBinder. This will create a Bridging-Header file too.
  5. Copy paste the code from HelloPush/BMSPushBinder.swift to your BMSPushBinder.swift file
  6. Once the swift class is added , you will be able to access the push functions from any objective class.
  7. Dont forget to add #import "HelloPush-Swift.h" and @class BMSPushBinder; in the .h header files.

Using the push methods


Initialize push service with options (category, deviceId and parameters)

   BMSPushBinder *bmsPushBinder = [BMSPushBinder sharedInstance];
   BMSPushNotificationAction *actionOne = [bmsPushBinder createActionWithIdentifierName:@"FIRST" buttonTitle:@"Accept" isAuthenticationRequired:FALSE defineActivationMode: UIUserNotificationActivationModeForeground];
   BMSPushNotificationAction *actionTwo = [bmsPushBinder createActionWithIdentifierName:@"actionTwo" buttonTitle:@"Reject" isAuthenticationRequired:FALSE defineActivationMode: UIUserNotificationActivationModeBackground];

   BMSPushNotificationActionCategory *category = [bmsPushBinder createNotificationActionCategoryWithIdentifierName:@"category" buttonActions:@[actionOne, actionTwo]];
   BMSPushClientOptions *notificationOptions = [bmsPushBinder createOptionsWithDeviceId:@"mydeviceID" categories:@[category] parameters:nil];
   NSString * appGuid = @"push service appguid";
   NSString * clientSecret = @"push service clientSecret";
   NSString * bluemixRegion = [BMSPushBinder regionUsSouth];
   [bmsPushBinder initializeWithAppGUIDWithAppGuid:appGuid clientSecret:clientSecret bluemixRegion: bluemixRegion options:notificationOptions];

Initialize push service without category

   BMSPushBinder *bmsPushBinder = [BMSPushBinder sharedInstance];
   NSString * appGuid = @"push service appguid";
   NSString * clientSecret = @"push service clientSecret";
   NSString * bluemixRegion = [BMSPushBinder regionUsSouth];
   [bmsPushBinder initializeWithAppGUIDWithAppGuid:appGuid clientSecret:clientSecret bluemixRegion: bluemixRegion options:nil];

The bluemixRegion can be one of these ,

  • regionUsSouth
  • regionUnitedKingdom
  • regionSydney
  • regionGermany
  • regionUsEast
  • regionJpTok


To register for push notification, add the following code inside the application:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: method of AppDelegate.m file,

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken {
    BMSPushBinder *bmsPushBinder = [BMSPushBinder sharedInstance];
    [bmsPushBinder registerForPushWithDeviceToken:deviceToken userId:@"myUserId" completionHandler:^(NSString * response, NSNumber * statusCode, NSString * error) {
        if (error != nil) {
            NSLog(@"Registration Error, %@", error);
        } else {
            NSLog(@"Registration Success , %@", response);

Un-register from push

To un-register from the push service ,

BMSPushBinder *bmsPushBinder = [BMSPushBinder sharedInstance];
 [bmsPushBinder unregisterFromPushWithCompletionHandler:^(NSString * response, NSNumber * statusCode, NSString * error) {
    if(error != nil) {
        NSLog(@"Error : %@", error);
    } else {
        NSLog(@"Unregistred: %@", response.description);

Retrieve available tags

To retrieve available tags use the following ,

 BMSPushBinder *bmsPushBinder = [BMSPushBinder sharedInstance];
[bmsPushBinder retrieveAvailableTagsWithCompletionHandler:^(NSMutableArray * response , NSNumber * statusCode, NSString * error) {
        if(error != nil) {
            NSLog(@"Error : %@", error);
        } else {
            NSLog(@"Available tags: %@", response.description);

Subscribe to tags

To subscribe to tags ,

BMSPushBinder *bmsPushBinder = [BMSPushBinder sharedInstance];
[bmsPushBinder subscribeToTagsWithTagsArray:@[@"tag1"] completionHandler:^(NSMutableDictionary * response, NSNumber * statusCode, NSString * error) {
    if(error != nil) {
        NSLog(@"Error : %@", error);
    } else {
        NSLog(@"subscribed: %@", response.description);

un-Subscribe from tags

To Un-Subscribe from tag ,

BMSPushBinder *bmsPushBinder = [BMSPushBinder sharedInstance];
[bmsPushBinder unsubscribeFromTagsWithTagsArray:@[@"tag1"] completionHandler:^(NSMutableDictionary * response, NSNumber * statusCode, NSString * error) {
    if(error != nil) {
        NSLog(@"Error : %@", error);
    } else {
        NSLog(@"unsubscribed from tags : %@", response.description);

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