
Power Service Layer Simulation Engine

Primary LanguageC

| Power Service Layer Simulation Engine |


PSLSE now supports either the Power8 implementation of PSL or the Power9 implementation
of PSL.  This is controlled by environment variable PSLVER:

PSLVER=8 causes us to compile for the Power8 implementation
PSLVER=9 causes us to compile for the Power9 implementation

You must also pass a define into the verilog compile for top.v!

Be sure to review the QUICKSTART file for more detail.

This repository contains code for simulation and testing of a customer designed 
Accelerated Functional Unit (AFU) and it's accompanying application by
simulating the connection to the Power Service Layer (PSL) as part of IBM's
CAPI interconnect on Power8 and Power9 systems.  

The "libcxl" directory contains a simulation only version of the libcxl library 
functions for hardware provided at https://github.com/ibm-capi/libcxl.  That 
code is an abstraction layer that interfaces with kernel level "cxl" code for 
communicating with an AFU in real hardware.  The libcxl code server two purposes.  
First, it provides a simple programming interface for accessing AFU devices.  
Second, if code is written using this abstraction layer then the same code can 
be compiled with the alternate version of libcxl.c and libcxl.h found on this 
repository for co-simulation of the AFU on most industry standard Verilog 

The "pslse" directory contains the code that models much of the cxl kernel and 
Power System hardware behavior and communicates with the users accelerator 
design running in a third party event simulator.  The hardware interface and 
functionality varies between Power8 and Power9, so there are #defines in 
common/psl_interface_t.h to control which system is being modeled.


afu_driver/verilog:	Contains the file top.v which is a top level wrapper
			that will instantiate your AFU Verilog code.

afu_driver/src:		Contains the code that will be needed by the Verilog

common:			Contains code used in multiple places.

libcxl:			Contains the PSLSE version of the libcxl.c file in
			addition to a sample pslse_server.dat file.

pslse:			Contains the code for the PSLSE server.

debug:			Contains code for parsing debug.log created by pslse.

sample_app:		Contains shell code for a sample application.