Deploy Basic Networking for IBM Cloud VPC with Terraform

Deploy a VPC with multiple subnets, public and private application load balancers, ACLs, public gateway, and virtual servers with security groups using Terraform.


Reference Architecture


  1. Complete the IBM Cloud Terraform tutorial prior to running this example.

  2. Obtain the variable values need in the file.

  3. Refer to IBM Cloud documentation on VPC for detailed information.

Steps to deploy this asset

  1. Deploy this solution to IBM Cloud.

    • Change directory to the folder containing terraform files - ./infrastructure_code.
    • Review the terraform files in that folder.
    • Edit and update the versions of Terraform and IBM Cloud Terraform Provider.
    • Edit and update the values for iaasapikey, ssh-key, and other variables as desired.
    • Run Terraform (init, plan, apply).