
A Kafka Connect plugin to make it easier to work with XML data in Kafka Connect pipelines

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A Kafka Connect plugin to make it easier to work with XML data in Kafka Connect pipelines.


  • com.ibm.eventstreams.kafkaconnect.plugins.xml.XmlConverter
    • a Kafka Connect converter for converting to/from XML strings
  • com.ibm.eventstreams.kafkaconnect.plugins.xml.XmlTransformation
    • a Kafka Connect transformation for converting Kafka Connect records to/from XML strings
  • com.ibm.eventstreams.kafkaconnect.plugins.xml.XmlMQRecordBuilder
    • an MQ Source Record builder for parsing MQ messages containing XML strings


Optional configuration that can be set when using the plugin to turn XML strings into Connect records (XML string -> Conect Record)

Option Default value Notes
root.element.name root The name of the root element in the XML document being parsed.
xsd.schema.path Location of a schema file to use to parse the XML string.
xml.doc.flat.enable false Set to true if the XML strings contain a single value (e.g. <root>the message</root>)

Optional configuration that can be set when using the plugin to create XML strings from Connect records (Conect Record -> XML string)

Option Default value Notes
root.element.name root The name to use for the root element of the XML document being created. Only used when no name can be found within the schema of the Connect record.

Example uses

Use XmlConverter with Source Connectors to produce structured Connect records to Kafka topics as XML strings.


Use XmlConverter with Source Connectors to produce Connect records to Kafka topics as XML strings, with an embedded XSD schema. (requires structs)


Use XmlTransformation with Sink Connectors to convert a Connect record containing an XML string into a structured Connect record.


Use XmlConverter with the MQ Sink Connector to send non-XML Kafka messages to MQ queues as XML strings.


Use XmlMQRecordBuilder with the MQ Source Connector to convert XML strings from MQ queues into Connect records.


Adding the IBM MQ Source Connector JAR to the Project

To build the project, you need to pull and install the latest IBM MQ Source Connector JAR. Follow these steps:

  1. Download the MQ Source Connector JAR

    Download the latest version of the MQ Source Connector JAR from the official IBM GitHub releases page:

    curl -L -o kafka-connect-mq-source-<VERSION>.jar https://github.com/ibm-messaging/kafka-connect-mq-source/releases/download/v<VERSION>/kafka-connect-mq-source-<VERSION>.jar
  2. Install the JAR in Your Local Maven Repository

    Install the downloaded JAR file into your local Maven repository:

    mvn install:install-file \
      -Dfile=kafka-connect-mq-source-<VERSION>.jar \
      -DgroupId=com.ibm.eventstreams.connect \
      -DartifactId=kafka-connect-mq-source \
      -Dversion=<VERSION> \

Replace <VERSION> with the actual version number of the JAR you downloaded.