
a tool for continuously ingesting w/arc files into the archive

Primary LanguagePython

DRAINTASKER - clears filling disks

* Draintasker wiki:
* Draintasker bugs:

supports "draining" a running crawler along two paths:

  1) dtmon: IAS3-to-petabox (paired storage)
  2) th-dtmon: catalog-direct-to-thumpers (Santa Clara MD)

run like this:

  $ ssh home
  $ screen
  $ ssh -A crawler
  $ cd /path/draintasker
  $ svn up
  $ emacs dtmon.yml, save-as: /path/drain.yml
  $ dtmon.py /path/drain.yml | tee -a /path/drain.log


  monitor job and drain (with dtmon.py) - while DRAINME file exists,
  pack warcs (PACKED), make manifests (MANIFEST), launch transfers
  (TASK), verify transfers (TOMBSTONE), and finally, delete verified
  warcs, then sleep before trying again.


  dtmon.py config
  '-> s3-drain-job job_dir xfer_job_dir max_size warc_naming
     '-> pack-warcs.sh             => PACKED
     '-> make-manifests.sh         => MANIFEST
     '-> s3-launch-transfers.sh    => LAUNCH TASK [RETRY] SUCCESS TOMBSTONE
     '-> delete-verified-warcs.sh  => poof, no w/arcs!
  th-dtmon.sh config
  '-> drain-job job_dir xfer_job_dir thumper max_size warc_naming
      '-> pack-warcs.sh            => PACKED
      '-> make-manifests.sh        => MANIFEST
      '-> launch-transfers.sh      => LAUNCH, TASK
      '-> verify-transfers.sh      => SUCCESS, TOMBSTONE
      '-> delete-verified-warcs.sh => poof, no w/arcs!

get status of prerequisites and disk capacity like this:

  $ get-status.sh crawldata_dir xfer_dir

some advice:

  1) if there are old draintasker procs, kill them.
  2) if files in the way, investigate and move aside, 
     eg mv LAUNCH.open LAUNCH.1, mv ERROR ERROR.1
        good to number each failure/error file
  3) check the status of your disks
  4) (optional) test petabox-to-thumper path on single series
  5) log into home and open a screen session
  6) in screen, ssh crawler, cd /path/draintasker/, svn up
  7) run dtmon.py to continuously drain each job+disk
       cd /path/draintasker
       ./dtmon.py /path/disk1.yml
       cd /path/draintasker
       ./dtmon.py /path/disk3.yml


directory structure

  crawldata     /{1,3}/crawling
  rsync_path    /{1,3}/incoming
  job_dir       /{crawldata}/{job_name}
  xfer_job_dir  /{rsync_path}/{job_name}
  warc_series   {xfer_job_dir}/{warc_series}

depending on config, your warcs might be written in e.g.


and be "packed" into 


  dtmon.py (IAS3-to-petabox)
    + HOME/.ias3cfg (when using dtmon.py)
    + add [incoming_x] stanzas to /etc/rsyncd.conf (see wiki)
  th-dtmon.sh (catalog-direct-to-thumper)
    + ~/.wgetrc with your archive.org user cookies (see wiki)
    + ensure user petabox user exists: /home-local/petabox
    + PETABOX_HOME=/home/user/petabox (codebase from svn)
    + get petabox authorized_keys from "draintasking" crawler
      @crawling08:~$ scp /home-local/petabox/.ssh/authorized_keys\
    + add [incoming_x] stanzas to /etc/rsyncd.conf (see wiki)


  DRAINME       {job_dir}/DRAINME
  PACKED        {warc_series}/PACKED
  MANIFEST      {warc_series}/MANIFEST
  LAUNCH        {warc_series}/LAUNCH
  TASK          {warc_series}/TASK
  TOMBSTONE     {warc_series}/TOMBSTONE

if you see a RETRY file, eg RETRY.1284217446 the suffix is the epoch
time when a non-blocking retry was scheduled. if this file exists,
then the retry was attempted at some time after that. you can get the
human readable form of that time with the date cmd, like so:

  date -d @1284217446
  Sat Sep 11 15:04:06 UTC 2010


  dtmon.py      run s3-drain-job periodically
  th-dtmon.sh   run drain-job periodically
  drain-job.sh  run draintasker processes in single mode


  delete-verified-warcs.sh  delete original (verified) w/arcs from each series 
  get-remote-warc-urls.sh   report remote md5 and url for all filesxml in series 
  item-submit-task.sh       submit catalog task for series
  item-verify-download.sh   wget remote w/arc and verify checksum for series 
  item-verify-size.sh       verify remote size of w/arc series
  launch-transfers.sh       submit transfer tasks for series
  make-manifests.sh         compute md5s into series MANIFEST
  pack-warcs.sh             create warc series when available
  s3-launch-transfers.sh    invoke curl for series
  task-check-success.sh     check and report task success by task_id
  verify-transfers.sh       run task-check-success and item-verify for series 


  get-status.sh              report dtmons, prerequisites and disk usage 

  addup-warcs.sh             report count and total size of warcs
  bundle-crawl-artifacts.sh  make tarball of crawldata for permastorage 
  check-crawldata-staged.sh  report staged crawldata file count+size
  check-crawldata.sh         report source crawldata file count+size
  copy-crawldata.sh          copy all crawldata preserving dir structure 
  make-and-store-bundle.sh   make bundles and scp to staging

siznax 2010