
This repository contains a tutorial for introducing RTOS (real-time operating system) on Arduino using the freeRTOS library and basic introduction to Raspberry Pi.


This repository contains a tutorial for introducing RTOS (real-time operating system) on Arduino using the freeRTOS library and basic introduction to Raspberry Pi.

MODUL 1 Pemrograman arduino dasar

MODUL 2 Pengenalan RTOS Arduino

MODUL 3 Pengenalan RasPberry PI

Alat & Bahan

  1. Arduino UNO

  2. Kit Sensor & Aktuator

  3. Project board & jumper

  4. Arduino UNO

  5. Kit Sensor & Aktuator

  6. Project board & jumper

  7. Library Free RTOS arduino

  8. SBC Raspberry Pi

  9. Kit Sensor & Aktuator

  10. Project board & jumper

  11. HDMI to VGA Converter

  12. Power supply 5V

  13. LCD Monitor

  14. VGA Cable

  15. Mouse

  16. Keyboard

  17. Akses internet