
Minimal project template for a Node.js & TypeScript app with native ESM

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Node Typescript ESM

Minimalistic project template for a Node.js & TypeScript apps with native ESM


Quick Start

1. Clone repo

clone repo without commit history

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/ibnumusyaffa/node-typescript-esm-starter my-project-name

2. Install dependencies

npm install

3. Run the development server

npm run dev

Available scripts

  • npm run dev — Starts the application in development mode at.
  • npm run build — Compile the application.
  • npm start — Starts the application in production mode.
  • npm run lint — Check code using ESLint.
  • npm run lint:fix — Fix autofixable ESLint problem.
  • npm run format:all — Format code using Prettier for all files.
  • npm run format:check — Check code format using prettier.