
An example ruby-starter-application with 100% test- and doc-coverage.

Primary LanguageRuby


Initialized by Andreas Altendorfer on Juli 24, 2012 after studying Uncle Bob's 'Clean Code (Episodes 1 to 12)'. It's aim is to demonstrate and learn how a plain ruby-app (w/o Rails) can work in the matter of CleanCode

'clean' implements an Application-class which can execute UseCases. A 'UseCase' is a derivative of class UseCase and implements an 'exexute-method'.

A list of available commands can be found at the end of this file.



  • ruby 1.9.x

  • bundler

  • Used, 3rd-party gems are listed in Gemfile

    gem "rspec"
    gem "json"
    group :development do
      gem "yard"
      gem "redcarpet"
      gem "simplecov"


  1. clone from GitHub

    git clone https://github.com/iboard/clean.git

  2. bundle

    cd clean bundle

  3. rake

    rake rspec spec/spec_helper.rb spec/*/

    Provide evironment:

    ENVIRONMENT=test rake # suppress output in test-mode :test is set by default use :devevlopement, :production FORMAT=d rake # change rspec-output format (d ... text, p ... dots)

  4. run the app from the command-line

    bin/run.rb --help bin/run.rb commands bin/run.rb loaded bin/run.rb --command="ExampleUsecase,'p1','p2','more Parameters...'"

Browse the code

app/ The Application

config/ Boot and configure

lib/ Rake-tasks


Extend with your code

Write a class, derived from 'UseCase' somewhere in app/usecases/my_class.rb

class MyClass < UseCase
  def desc
    "Describe your usecase on a single line"
  def execute
    ... do something ...

See app/usecases/example_usecase.rb

Run the new UseCase

bin/run.rb --command='MyClass,"parameter one","parameter two"'

100% Coverage & Documentation

When you fork this project it has 100% test-, and documentation-coverage. It's up to you to keep at this level when starting your own Application.

Available Commands and Examples

bin/run.rb --command='ApplicationInfo,"available_commands"'
=> ["ApplicationInfo (app/usecases/application_info.rb)", "ExampleUsecase (app/usecases/example_usecase.rb)", "UseCase (app/usecases/use_case.rb)"]

bin/run.rb --command='ApplicationInfo,"loaded_files"'
=> [["Boot", "config/boot.rb"], ["Application", "app/application.rb"], ["ApplicationLoader", "app/application_loader.rb"], ["OptionsError", "app/exceptions/options_error.rb"], ["ApplicationInfo", "app/usecases/application_info.rb"], ["CommandRunner", "app/usecases/command_runner.rb"], ["ExampleUsecase", "app/usecases/example_usecase.rb"], ["UseCase", "app/usecases/use_case.rb"]]

bin/run.rb --command='ExampleUsecase,"hello","world"' -v
=> I, [2012-10-20T02:28:15.899906 #10293]  INFO -- : Logger.level set to 1
   I, [2012-10-20T02:28:15.900042 #10293]  INFO -- : INITIALIZE CommandRunner.new(["ExampleUsecase", "\"hello\"", "\"world\""])
   I, [2012-10-20T02:28:15.900084 #10293]  INFO -- : Evaluate >> ExampleUsecase.new("hello","world")
   I, [2012-10-20T02:28:15.900132 #10293]  INFO -- : Executing ExampleUsecase (UseCase)


   >  # -*- encoding : utf-8 -*-"
   >  class ExampleUsecase  < UseCase
   >    def execute
   >      puts header
   >      system( "cat '#{__FILE__}' | sed 's/^/>  /'" )
   >      puts inspect_params
   >      0
   >    end
   >    protected
   >    def inspect_params
   >      puts "\n\nCalled with params: #{params.to_json}"
   >    end
   >    def header
   >      "\nUSECASE EXAMPLE\n" + "="*"usecase example".length + "\n#{__FILE__}\n\n"
   >    end
   >  end

   Called with params: ["hello","world"]

   I, [2012-10-20T02:28:15.905374 #10293]  INFO -- : Returned from ExampleUsecase => 0


Public Domain Dedication

This work is a compilation and derivation from other previously released works. With the exception of various included works, which may be restricted by other licenses, the author or authors of this code dedicate any and all copyright interest in this code to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this code under copyright law.

(c) 2012 by Andreas Altendorfer, andreas@altendorfer.at