
Alyra formation : Ethereum Dev, promo 'Buterin'

Primary LanguageSolidity

Blockchain developer training from Alyra, the blockchain school

All content is available on the 'homework' branch.

This repository contains all the exercises completed during the training, including examples, homework assignments, and live projects.

The projects used for evaluation and certification are as follows:

  • Project 1: Development of a Smart Contract for Voting
  • Project 2: Testing for the Voting Smart Contract
  • Project 3: Collaboration (working in pairs) to address a security vulnerability and creation of a decentralized application (dApp) for interacting with the Voting Smart Contract.
  • Project 4: Final Certification Project: A team effort, involving a blockchain consultant and a DeFi consultant, to develop a decentralized application (dApp) from scratch. The project entailed comprehensive planning, including the adoption of a framework (ours being a DAO), and concluded with a dissertation presentation and a demonstration.

Below, you'll find the directory tree containing the exercises:

    ├── 1. Introduction Ethereum
    │   └── Index.md
    ├── 2. Ethereum par la pratique
    │   ├── CH4_3_remix_deploy_smart_contract
    │   └── Index.md
    ├── 3. Solidity
    │   ├── 1_1_StructDeclaration
    │   ├── 1_2_StructManipulation
    │   ├── 2_1_ArraySimple
    │   ├── 2_2_ArrayAdvanced
    │   ├── 2_3_Whitelist_1
    │   ├── 2_4_ClassRoom
    │   ├── 3_1_Whitelist_2
    │   ├── 3_2_Whitelist_3
    │   ├── 3_3_Whitelist_4
    │   ├── 3_4_Time
    │   ├── 4_1_Whitelist_5
    │   ├── 5_1_CrowdSale_2
    │   ├── 5_2_CrowdSale_4
    │   ├── 6_FinalModule
    │   ├── Classroom
    │   ├── GuessAndWin
    │   ├── Heritage
    │   ├── Index.md
    │   ├── Voting1
    │   └── Voting2
    ├── 4. Outils Tests & CI-CD
    │   ├── 1_TruffleCours
    │   ├── 2_MumbaiTest
    │   ├── 3_LiveFork
    │   ├── 4_ExoLive
    │   ├── 5_TestUnitaire
    │   ├── 6_TestERC20
    │   ├── 7_HardHatTest
    │   ├── 8_HardHatBank
    │   ├── 9_TruffleLive
    │   ├── Index.md
    │   ├── VotingTest
    │   ├── VotingTestHHat
    │   ├── alyra_foundry
    │   ├── alyrafoundrytest
    │   ├── foundrytesterc20
    │   └── scripts
    ├── 5. Smart contract Solidity & bonnes pratiques de sécurité
    │   ├── 2_2_reentrancy
    │   ├── 2_3_DoS_unexpectedError
    │   ├── 2_4_DoS_gaslimit
    │   ├── 2_5_ForceFeeding
    │   ├── 2_6_FrontRunning
    │   ├── 3_1_ExceptionDisorder
    │   ├── 4_2_Fallback
    │   ├── 4_3_Events
    │   ├── 4_4_TxOrigin
    │   ├── Index.md
    │   ├── Live1_VotingDoc
    │   └── Live2_Securite_KlerosExos
    ├── 6. Dapp
    │   ├── 3_1_web3
    │   ├── 3_2_lectureSC
    │   ├── 3_3_EXO_interactionSC
    │   ├── 5_1_TP_TruffleBox
    │   ├── Index.md
    │   ├── Live2605
    │   ├── Live2706
    │   ├── Live_Hhat_SSdap
    │   ├── MiniJobs Correction
    │   ├── livenext
    │   ├── nextcontextmetamask
    │   ├── nextfirstapp
    │   └── nextrainbowkit
    ├── 7. Finance Décentralisée
    │   ├── ChainlinkFeeds
    │   ├── ERC20_Local
    │   ├── ERC20_Sepolia
    │   ├── Index.md
    │   ├── UniswapRemix
    │   └── UniswapSDK
    └── 8. NFT
        ├── 2_coursIpfsPinata
        ├── 3_NFT
        ├── 4_erc1155
        ├── 5_NFTfactory
        ├── 6_generator
        ├── ERC721A
        ├── Fusion
        ├── Index.md
        ├── Staking
        ├── Upgrades
        └── Whitelist Mint DApp