
Web API for Transaction.


alt tag

DataBase Layer

Since There is no Database this layer insteadeof Database it more like cache but for sake of simplicity lets deal with it as dataBase. ####DataStructrue Here i influenced by Graph and specificly adjacency list representation, However i used Hash to store those objects. alt tag

DAO Layer

This Layer to make a CRUD operation on Entity

###Service Layer It containing Transaction that hold every transaction with DAO Layer.

###Facade Layer Every method from it may use many methods from Service Layer , it's for simplicity.

###DTO Containing Dtos that we transfer to and from client.

###Entity Contain the object that will presist to DataBase .

###Exception It's a custom Exception to keep exception handling as simple as possible.

##How To Run Its a Maven Project Just import and deploy it . ####Note 'v1' which in the URI just for sake of versioning .

  • PUT transactionservice/v1/transactions/${transactionId} body example { "amount": 600, "type":"cars" ,"parentId":"1"} create a new Transaction

  • GET transactionservice/v1/transactions/${transactionId} it get All information about a certain Transaction

  • GET /transactionservice/v1/types/${typeName} it get All transactions Ids associated to certain Type

  • GET /transactionservice/v1/sum/${transactionId} A sum of all transactions that are transitively linked by their parent_id to $transaction_id.

  • go to GoEuroApp folder.

  • type that command from you terminal ' java -jar GoEuroApp.jar "placeName" '.