Web API for Transaction.
Since There is no Database this layer insteadeof Database it more like cache but for sake of simplicity lets deal with it as dataBase. ####DataStructrue Here i influenced by Graph and specificly adjacency list representation, However i used Hash to store those objects.
This Layer to make a CRUD operation on Entity
###Service Layer It containing Transaction that hold every transaction with DAO Layer.
###Facade Layer Every method from it may use many methods from Service Layer , it's for simplicity.
###DTO Containing Dtos that we transfer to and from client.
###Entity Contain the object that will presist to DataBase .
###Exception It's a custom Exception to keep exception handling as simple as possible.
##How To Run Its a Maven Project Just import and deploy it . ####Note 'v1' which in the URI just for sake of versioning .
PUT transactionservice/v1/transactions/${transactionId} body example { "amount": 600, "type":"cars" ,"parentId":"1"} create a new Transaction
GET transactionservice/v1/transactions/${transactionId} it get All information about a certain Transaction
GET /transactionservice/v1/types/${typeName} it get All transactions Ids associated to certain Type
GET /transactionservice/v1/sum/${transactionId} A sum of all transactions that are transitively linked by their parent_id to $transaction_id.
go to GoEuroApp folder.
type that command from you terminal ' java -jar GoEuroApp.jar "placeName" '.