
A basic hello world service hosted with AWS ECS

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Hello World EC2

A basic Flask web service hosted with AWS EC2

Getting Started

This short tutorial will show you how to deploy this Dockerized Flask application on AWS EC2.


Please have the following installed:

  • Docker (or Rancher or another alternative)
  • Terraform
  • Python 3.10

Testing Locally

python app.py

The app will be live at localhost:8090

Docker Image

Clone the github repository and build the docker image:

# note here that the prefix before the slash / is my repository username
docker build -t imohammd02/hello-world-ec2 .

Then, push the Docker image to a repository/registry of your choice. If you haven't used registries before, you can follow this link to learn more: https://docs.docker.com/docker-hub/repos/create/

In this example, I will be pushing to dockerhub:

docker login # follow the prompts to login
docker push docker push imohammd02/hello-world-ec2

Testing Locally with docker image

docker run -d --name hello-world-ec2 -p 8090:8090 imohammd02/hello-world-ec2:latest

The app will be live at localhost:8090

Deploying to AWS

We will be using terraform to create our hosting infrastructure (AWS ECS)

Change into the infra directory and set your AWS Credentials.

cd infra
# please note that this method of authenticating is not the best. You should always try to use IAM Role based authentication with AWS.
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxxx

IMPORTANT: Before we proceed with Terraform we need to change the local variables. In the locals.tf file you will find a few variables that you need to modify for your own infrastructure

locals {
  region           = "us-east-2"
  instance_name    = "hello-world-ec2"
  vpc_id           = "vpc-29571440" # change this to your own vpc id. Make sure the vpc allows public internet
  subnet_id        = "subnet-b71b48de" # change this to your own subnet. Make sure the subnet allows public traffic
  docker_repo_name = "imohammd02/hello-world-ec2" # you are welcome to use this image, but if you need to, change the image repo name here

Terraform Format and Initialize

terraform fmt
terraform init

Run Terraform validate to find any syntax errors:

terraform validate -no-color

Terraform Plan and Apply

terraform plan
# if the plan succeeds go ahead and apply. 
terraform apply


Once the Terraform job completes, the output should contain a Public IP Address. You can visit the IP address and get an HTTP response. Please allow for 5-10 minutes for the instance to initialize. You can visit your application at http://<instance_public_ip>:8090

You can find my app hosted at: http://ec2-3-144-114-182.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8090/



✅ = Completed 🚧 = Incomplete

Feature Status
Terraform IaC ✅
Application ✅
Docker articact ✅
Documentation ✅
Artifact CI ✅
Artifact CD 🚧
Terraform CI/CD 🚧