QR Generator README

This HTML code creates a simple web page for generating QR codes based on user input. There are two versions provided: one with custom CSS styles and another utilizing the Tailwind CSS framework.


-Getting Started: -Simply open the HTML file in any web browser to use the QR generator. -Entering Text or URL: -In the input field provided, enter the text or URL for which you want to generate the QR code. -Generating QR Code: -Click the "Generate QR Code" button to create the QR code based on the entered text or URL. -Viewing QR Code: -Once generated, the QR code will appear below the input field. -Styling Options: -The provided HTML code comes in two versions: one with custom CSS styles and another using the Tailwind CSS framework. You can choose the one that suits your preference or integrate it with your existing styles. -Customization: -Feel free to customize the HTML structure, styles, or functionality as needed to fit your project requirements. -Code Explanation:

The HTML structure consists of an input field for text or URL entry, an image container for displaying the generated QR code, and a button to trigger the QR code generation process. JavaScript handles the QR code generation process. It checks if the input field has content and then generates the QR code using the entered text or URL. If the input is empty, it highlights the input field to prompt the user to enter a value. Notes:

Ensure an internet connection to generate QR codes as it utilizes an online API for QR code generation. Make sure to adhere to any usage limitations or terms of service associated with the QR code generation API used in this code.