This file provides an overview of the data cleaning project, detailing the steps taken to clean the dataset and prepare it for further analysis.

Project Overview The goal of this project is to clean a diabetes dataset, handling missing values, correcting inconsistencies, and removing outliers and duplicates. The cleaned dataset is then saved as a new CSV file.

Libraries Used pandas: For data manipulation and analysis. seaborn: For data visualization, particularly for identifying outliers. Data Cleaning Steps Import Necessary Libraries.

python Copy code import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns Read the Data File.

python Copy code df = pd.read_csv("diabetes_unclean.csv") Initial Data Inspection.

Display the first record of the data python Copy code df.head() Display the last 5 records python Copy code df.tail() Display the number of columns python Copy code df.columns Rename Columns.

Rename the column 'No_Pation' to 'Pation_No' python Copy code df.rename(columns = {"No_Pation":"Pation_No"}, inplace=True) Handling Missing Values.

Check for missing values python Copy code df.isnull().sum() Replace missing values in the 'HbA1c' column with the mean value python Copy code mean_value = df["HbA1c"].mean() df["HbA1c"] = df["HbA1c"].fillna(mean_value) Drop remaining missing values in other columns python Copy code df1 = df.dropna() df1.isnull().sum() Data Information and Aggregation.

Get information about the dataset python Copy code Aggregate data by 'CLASS' python Copy code df1.groupby("CLASS")["CLASS"].agg("count") Cleaning Categorical Data.

Check unique values in the 'CLASS' column python Copy code df["CLASS"].unique() Replace inconsistent values in 'CLASS' column python Copy code df1["CLASS"] = df1["CLASS"].str.replace("Y ", "Y") df1["CLASS"] = df1["CLASS"].str.replace("N ", "N") df1["CLASS"].unique() Handling Outliers.

Check for outliers in 'Cr' column using boxplot python Copy code sns.boxplot(df1["Cr"]) Remove outliers beyond the 99.5th percentile python Copy code max_cr = df1["Cr"].quantile(0.995) df2 = df1[df1["Cr"] < max_cr] sns.boxplot(df2["Cr"]) Check for outliers in 'HbA1c' column python Copy code sns.boxplot(df1["HbA1c"]) Removing Duplicates.

Check for duplicate values python Copy code df2.duplicated() Drop duplicate values python Copy code df3 = df2.drop_duplicates() df3.duplicated().sum() Save Cleaned Data.

Save the cleaned data to a new CSV file python Copy code df3.to_csv("cleaned_diabetes.csv", index=False)