
A simple Express.js API for managing tasks with Sequelize ORM and MySQL database. This project provides CRUD operations for tasks, user authentication, and authorization features. The API utilizes JWT for secure authentication and Sequelize to interact with a MySQL database. It follows a structured project layout and includes error handling middlew

Primary LanguageJavaScript

TODO API Express Sequelize


  • Install dependencies: npm install
  • Configure environment variables in config.env.
  • Start the server: npm start

##API Endpoints:

  • /api/v1/tasks : Task management (Add, List, Get, Edit, Delete, Complete).
  • /api/v1/users : User-related (Registration, Login).
  • /api/v1/auth : Authentication (Login, signup).

Example Code:

// Adding a task
app.post("/api/v1/tasks", addTask);

// Listing all tasks
app.get("/api/v1/tasks", allTasks);

// Getting a specific task
app.get("/api/v1/tasks/:id", getTask);

// Editing a task
app.put("/api/v1/tasks/:id", editTask);

// Deleting a task
app.delete("/api/v1/tasks/:id", deleteTask);

// Completing a task
app.put("/api/v1/tasks/:id/complete", completeTask);


  • MySQL database required.
  • Customize Sequelize models for User entity.
  • Secure sensitive data before production.
  • Explore, customize, and extend as needed.