
This Android Learning Code Demos.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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This is my Android Learning Demo

 The VolleyDemo is show the basic usage of Volley, meanwhile I use Volley and JUHE API to implement a function that query phone number attribution in China , and this application also use the M-V-P pattern, so you can learn how to build an application by using Volley and M-V-P pattern.

  • CallBackDemo

    There are three sub-demo in the demo, CallBack simple usage, how to use call back to add a click listener in RecycelrView, how to use call back to load a image url and set bitmap resource for image view

  • BezierDemo

    This demo show the basic usage of Bezier in Android.

  • RecyclerViewDemo

    In this demo, it demonstrates the correct way to set up a listener for RecyclerView and demonstrates the basic usage of ItemTouchHelper

  • SwipeBottomNavigationDemo

    Combine with the ViewPager and the BottomNavigationView , and use the reflection to change the ChangeMode

  • ViewsDemo

    This demo is the practice of custom view.

  • NDKDemo

    Show the basic usage of NDK.  

  • CrashHandlerDemo

    When the App crashes, the log will be writtern to the SD card and uploaded to the remote serve.

  • RuntimePermissionDemo

    The encapsulation and basic usage of runtime permissions.

  • RxJava2Demo

    RxJava2 study demo, and implement the RxImageLoader by using RxJava2

  • TransitionDemo

    Android transition animations demo


Apache License 2.0