This is indeed a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app, however in order to have a consistent and cohernt code base that conforms to modern standards and best practices, there might be certain conventions you might want to be familier with before jumping into the project.

Project Set up

  1. git clone, clone project from the git repository to your working directory on your machine.
  2. run the yarn command on you system to install all needed dependencies in your project, please use yarn, as it is the package manage of choice for this project. dont have yarn ? Install Yarn
  3. vs code settings, make sure you have the eslint and prettier extensions installed on you vs code, in your vscode make prettier your default formater, and enable the format on save feature on your vs code.

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

yarn dev

Folder Structure & Design system

As can be observed from the folder structure,the folder structure follows the atomic design principle, so it is imperative for you to follow suit, components should go to the appropriate folders during or after building them :


To learn more about Atomic Design, take a look at the following resources:

More on Folder Structure

To simplify things further we abstrated atomics design templates into Hocs and layouts , this gives pages consistent layout and structure,

Naming Individual Components

When naming Individual components , which can either be an atom, molecule or organism for consistency and clearity, file name should be in lowercase words separated by hyphens, and should follow the BEM convention, which is illustrated below.

File Naming Convention

-- without modifiers
* a-button
* m-footer
* o-navbar

-- with modifiers

* a-button-admin
* m-footer-admin
* o-navbar-with-searchbar

Open File Naming Convention Resource learn more.

Components Interfaces and Interface Naming Convention

interface should reside in the same file as it's component. and the Name of the component should be the name of the interface adding Props as a sufix to it. Dont use the I prefix , as this was discouraged by the typescript team , wrong would be IComponentName, and example of the proper naming convention is below.

interface MyComponentProps {
 property : string
 ..... : ..

const MyComponent = () => ....

keys of the interface should have the same name as the keys of the properties the component is expecting, its should match the keys of the properties returned by the backend.

this can be disregarded only if the interface is repeated more than twice, or the interface is more than 15 lines long, then it make sense to abstract at that point.

Importing Types, File Importing Hierarchy

1. import type { someType } from 'somedir'
2. import library code 'react' followed by  installed packages if any and if needed'
3. import custom hooks if needed
4. import utils
5. import pagelayout
6. import ui-layout
7. import  atoms
8. import molecules
9. import orgnisms

Other allowed syntax

import MyComponent, {MyComponentProps} from 'somedir'

with this you can access both the component and its type.