A weather journal application implemented as part of Professional Web Development Track offered by egFWD Initiative through Udacity.
To use this project, you need to follow the commands below:
- Clone the repository into your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/ibrahimelmokhtar/js-sample-weather-app.git
- Run the local server:
node .\server.js
- Open the local website on
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In this section, I will explain how the code works and how everything is put together.
This project has the structure shown below:
- assets
- css
-- responsive-tablets.css
-- responsive.css
-- styles.css
- js
-- app.js
- index.html
This website has a Responsive Design. This means: "All features are usable across modern desktop, tablet, and phone browsers."
The user is able to enter a specific zipcode, then the website will use this zipcode to fetch weather data from OpenWeatherMap API using a URL similar to https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?zip={zip}&appid={API key}&units=imperial
The website can handle the user feelings and display them, or hide them if the user did NOT enter anything.
The Web API will return an object contains key/value pairs, but I used the following highlighted ones ONLY.
"weather": [
"description": "clear sky", 👈
"icon": "01d" 👈
"base": "stations",
"main": {
"temp": 282.55, 👈
... ,
"dt": 1560350645, 👈
"sys": {
"country": "US", 👈
"name": "Mountain View", 👈
"cod": 200 👈
The website displays the following items as a search result:
- Weather Temperature in Fahrenheit.
- Current Date.
- User Feelings.
The user is able to enter a specific latitude and longitude coordinates, then the website will use these coordinates to fetch weather data from OpenWeatherMap API using a URL similar to https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lat={lat}&lon={lon}&appid={API key}&units=imperial
The website can use the user's current location to find latitude and longitude coordinates, then use these coordinates to fetch weather data using latitude/longitude method.
The user is able to choose between (Fahrenheit degree) and (Celsius degree) to display the obtained temperature value.
The website displays the following additional items along with the search result:
- Weather Condition Icon: by fetching a specific image using URL similar to
. - Weather Temperature in Celsius, when selected.
- Weather Condition Description.
- City, Country Names.