Android Kotlin library to parse and format international phone numbers. Country code picker.
- ajiybanesij
- BetulSandikci
- brookmgEthiopia, Addis abeba
- canergulgec@Meditopia
- cefjoeii
- cnkaptan
- coderkanPinSoft
- Cutta@LyrebirdStudio
- denizcdemirci@wopehq
- denizsubasi
- developersancho
- emreerkahramanLoodos
- enofeb@Trendyol
- ertugrulkaragoz@trendyol
- fevziomurtekin@deliveryhero
- fgirisNeat
- Furalza
- harrunisk
- hellsayenci-livongo
- ibrahimsn98@Trendyol
- kkaansrkyDelivery Hero
- mehmettas
- memreyilmaz
- mistrydarshan99Priya Softweb Solutions
- murattuzelIstanbul, Turkey
- necatisozerLyrebird Studio
- nicemakSr. Android Developer @ Bosch Pharma Pvt. Ltd.
- nisd93Ahmedabad,India
- ogulcanucarsuIbtech - Enpara
- onurcekeer
- SancakKadir
- savepopulationTurkey
- srcnysf-
- titanwalkingadesso Turkey
- uysalserkan@Sahibinden
- zekLittle Rock, AR