
inline single and multi picker views for UIKit. Without tableview! Easy and simple.

Primary LanguageSwift


Inline single and multiple picker views for UIKit. No tableview, no data sources! Easy and simple.

Just clone and run the playground, to see it in action 💥

Using Single-Selection Picker:

/// With radius
let singleSelect = IYSinglePicker()
singleSelect.backgroundColor = .white
singleSelect.layer.cornerRadius = 10
singleSelect.data = [
    "Direct Messages",

/// Full-width
let singleSelect = IYSinglePicker()
singleSelect.backgroundColor = .white
singleSelect.data = [
    "Direct Messages",

Reading value of Single-Selection Picker

let selectedIndex = singleSelect.selectedIndex


Using Multiple-Selection Picker:

/// With radius
let multiSelect = IYMultiplePicker()
multiSelect.backgroundColor = .white
multiSelect.layer.cornerRadius = 10
multiSelect.data = [
    "Play notification sounds",
    "Send read receipts",
    "Show my online status"

/// Full-width
let multiSelect = IYMultiplePicker()
multiSelect.backgroundColor = .white
multiSelect.data = [
    "Play notification sounds",
    "Send read receipts",
    "Show my online status"

Reading value of Multiple-Selection Picker

let selectedIndexes = multiSelect.selectedIndexes
