
A toolkit of stuff relating to Snap.svg

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A toolkit of stuff relating to Snap.svg

This is less of a release, and more of a toolkit of possible solutions to common problems that appear in Snap that people could use and abuse and incorporate. I'm not sure I'll have time to ever do a proper release (unless others wanted to help), so its more of a chunk of code to get improved on over time to come up with the most correct way of doing something (as some transform integration is difficult to understand).

Ideas include...

  • Snap/pan/zoom example on elements and pan/zoom on svg elements (as you can't transform an svg)

  • Basic freetransform implementation

  • Allowing snap/pan/zoom to work with Hammer.js to deal with touch interfaces

  • Make animated sequences easier (there is no timeline type thing as yet)

  • Allow easier SMIL markup animation

  • Rotate/Pan/Zoom immediate and animated

  • Add a set of plugins to add extra features to to be written quicker

  • Example at http://svg.dabbles.info/snaptoolkit/snappan.html


  • el.animateFrames( arrayOfAnimations ) // sequences of animations in order, using callbacks after each
    • frame consists of
    • el: element to animate
    • animation: the animation, eg { transform: 't20,20' }
    • dur: duration
    • easing: easing (snap easings)
    • startFunc: function to call on the start of the next frame
    • You could probably put a null animation in to fake a pause and endFunc
    { el: c,      animation: { transform: 's0.4,0.4,400,100' },         dur: 1000, easing: mina.bounce },
    { el: c,      animation: { transform: 't50,500' },                dur: 1000, easing: mina.bounce },
    { el: myRect, animation: { transform: 's1.2,1.2,300,300t200,-100' },dur: 1000, easing: mina.bounce, startFunc: myFunc }
  • el.getEventPoint( event ) // get the event point in elements coordinate space from screen (may need to rephrase)

  • el.getMousePoiunt( ev, x, y ) // get the event accounting for screen/paper/element transform

  • el.getInverseScreenPoint( x, y ) // get the point accounting for screen inverse.

  • el.createPoint( x, y ) // create an svg point, useful for using later in svg transforms

  • el.getViewBox() // getViewbox even if not set (is this duplicate of method below ?)

  • el.viewBoxZoom(pt, factor ) // zoom the svg, pt is an svg point, ie from createPoint()

  • el.getCursorPoint ( x, y ) // get the cursor point and return as svg point accounting for screen matrix inverse

  • el.globalToLocal( globalPoint ) // get transform to point from paper, need to go over and explain this better

  • el.zoomCenter( factor ) // zoom into the element as a center (need to add svg zoom as well)

  • el.elementZoom( svgPoint, factor ) // zoom the element into a point / rephrase

  • el.handleScroll( ev ) // handle scrolling

  • el.scaleBy( factor ) // scale by an amount

  • el.scaleInc( factor ) // Incrementally rotate (be wary in animation would increase by factor every time)

  • el.rotateBy( angle ) // rotate by angl

  • el.rotateInc( angle ) // incrementally rotate by angle (in animation will inc every interval)

  • el.panBy( x, y ) // pan by amount

  • el.panInc( x, y ) // incrementally pan by amount

  • el.resetStates() // resets transforms for above

  • el.storeDragStart( x, y ) // store drag start

  • el.getDragStart( x, y ) // get start of drag

  • el.getNewPan() // get a new pan thats going to be applied (not sure if tested)

  • el.getNewPanString() // as above but as string ?

  • el.getOriginalViewbox() // get the original viewbox before animation

  • el.getCurrentScale() // returns just x, so needs modification if x,y scale different

  • el.getNewScale() // get new scale to be applied

  • el.storeNewScale( scale ) // store a new scale which will be applied when updateTransform

  • el.storeNewRotate( angle ) // store a new rotation to be applied later

  • el.getCurrentRotation() // get existing rotation

  • el.getStartRotation() // get starting rotation

  • el.resetNewTransforms() // reset transforms that would be applied

  • el.addTransform() // add a transform (doesn't overwrite I think)

  • el.createNewViewbox() // create a new viewbox from a new pan set

  • el.storeInitialTransform() // store existing transform so we keep this when doing a new transform (so relative, not reset)

  • el.updateTransform() // updates transforms that have all just been applied above

  • el.pinchmove( event ) // pinchmove an element...worked with Hammer.js I think ?

  • el.getViewBoxInfo // get viewbox info (even if not set)

  • el.animateFunc( from, to, func, timer, easing, callback ) // animation func that ties into other stuff here, need to doc how this slightly varies from Snaps animate

  • el.animateSvgFocus( duration, easing, callback ) // animate/highlight the Svg/paper element

  • el.svgFocus() // zoom into the zvg so its centered

  • el.highlightBBox() // highlight bbox around item (you should be able to el.remove() it after)

  • el.getTransformedBB() // get the transformed Bounding box

  • el.addMouseWheelHandler() // handle scrolling

  • el.createHandles() // create freetransform handles

  • el.getHandles() // get the handles

  • el.updateHandlePosition() // update handles if you are animating or something

  • el.removeHandles() // To be done Important!

  • el.markupMpath( markupObj )

  • el.markupAnimateMotion( markupObj )

  • el.markupAnimate( markupObj ) // SVG markup for SMIL animation (not sure on browser compatilbility)

  • el.markupAnimateTransform( markupObj ) // As above

  • el.markupAnimateColor( markupObj ) // Not sure if Firefox supports SMIL animateColor ?

var mpath = paper.markupMpath({ "xlink:href": "#path1" });
r.markupAnimateMotion( { dur: "5s", fill: "freeze" }, mpath );
r.markupAnimate( { attributeName: "opacity", from: "1", to: "0", dur: "5s", repeatCount: "indefinite" });

Example using with Hammer.js

var mc = new Hammer( myImage.node, {} );
var pinch = new Hammer.Pinch();
var pan = new Hammer.Pan();
mc.add( pinch );
mc.add( pan );
mc.on('pinchstart', function(ev){
        myImage.resetStates( ev );
} );

mc.on('pinchmove', function(ev) {
        myImage.pinchMove( ev );

mc.on('pinchend', function(ev) {

mc.on('panstart', function( ev ) {
        myImage.onPanStart( ev );

mc.on('panmove', function( ev ) {
        Snap( ev.target ).panMove( ev );