
Spotify job scraper is a cli application which scrapes swedish job opportunities from Spotify's careers site.




$ make build // composer install & docker-compose build
$ make up // docker-compose up and runs the scraper command


File Description
src/Command/SpotifyScraperCommand.php app:scrape-spotify-jobs Symfony command. It will be automatically executed on docker-compose up
src/Service/JobCollector.php First part of the process. It collects the jobs from an endpoint and push them into Job objects
src/Service/JobScraper.php It scrapes everything from the detail of the given job which can be useful later
src/Service/JobDetailGuesser.php It tries to guess some information from the scraped data

At the end of the process the command will create a CSV file as a result. It will be found in the project root.


  • Location selector (Sweden is hardcoded)
  • Improve error handling
  • Improve logging