
iOS app using SwiftUI + MVVM + Redux + Clean Architecture

Primary LanguageSwift

This repository proposes an app architecture for medium-sized iOS apps based on latest trends as of 2021. It features:

SwiftUI + MVVM + Redux + Clean Architecture + Combine

This sample app is not meant to be super finished and code is not super clean. It just serves as a way to explore concepts of the architecture.

Feedback of any type is very welcome!

What this code does

It is a little unfinished app which is using YouTube Data API to search for YouTube videos, shows detail of video and allows to favorite it (save to local DB).

To be able to load the API requests successfully, you’ll have to register your YouTube Data API account and provide the correct API key. I didnt care about UI that much, since its not important for us here. It is unfinished and often uses dummy data.

High level architecture overview

Presentation Layer

UI layer consists of SwiftUI views which are using ViewModels and observe their @Published properties.

ViewModels internally operate on a State. The State however contains business logic models (Entities) that are not suitable to hand over directly to Views. Instead, ViewModels should format State data in a way their View exactly needs it (and transform it into @Published vars)

Domain Layer

Main logic inside ViewModels is driven using Redux-style state machine. Big thanks for this belongs to guys from Composable Architecture from which I took implementation of Store, Reducer, Feedback (and did some minor changes).

ViewModels are initialized by providing Store which drives app logic for a particular ViewModels' State and Actions. 

The Store is given some dependencies represented by Environment struct. These dependencies try to follow Clean Architecture principles, so they should consist of UseCases which operate on business logic Entities and have injected dependencies for Repositories.

Data layer

Data layer contains most low level code (Repositories) which are responsible for running API requests, communicating to local DB etc. I paid only minor attention to this layer because my aim was not to focus much on details of where data are stored or taken from. It’s there just to explore how it works in terms of dependency injection and testability.

Dive into the code

Let's briefly check how this all works together.

Views are using ViewModels exclusively

And ViewModels are (currently) responsible for creating child ViewModels. Since they have to give them their store which I try to keep as private as possible.

struct VideosListView: View {
    @ObservedObject var viewModel: VideosListViewModel

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List(viewModel.videos) { item in
                    destination: VideoDetailView(
                        viewModel: viewModel.viewModel(forDetailOf: item)
                    label: {
                        VideoInfoView(video: .init(video: item), isLiked: item.isLiked)

ViewModels internaly operate on Redux state machine

They define their own State, Actions, Environment, Reducer, Effect.

extension VideoDetailViewModel {
    typealias StoreType = Store<State, Action>

    enum Error: Swift.Error, Equatable {
        case couldNotLikeVideo
        case couldNotDislikeVideo

    struct State {
        let video: Video
        var isLiked: Bool
        var likeVideoError: Error?

        init(video: Video, isLiked: Bool, likeVideoError: Error? = nil) {
            self.video = video
            self.isLiked = isLiked
            self.likeVideoError = likeVideoError

    enum Action {
        case likeVideo
        case videoLiked
        case dislikeVideo
        case videoDisliked
        case onLikeVideoError(Error)

    struct Environment {
        var likeVideo: LikeVideoUseCase

extension VideoDetailViewModel {
    typealias ReducerType = Reducer<State, Action, Environment>

    static var reducer: ReducerType = {
        .init { state, action, environment in
            switch action {
            case .likeVideo:
                return Effects.like(video: state.video, using: environment.likeVideo)

            case .dislikeVideo:
                return Effects.dislike(video: state.video, using: environment.likeVideo)

            case .onLikeVideoError(_):
                return .none

            case .videoLiked:
                state.isLiked = true
                return .none

            case .videoDisliked:
                state.isLiked = false
                return .none

extension VideoDetailViewModel {
    struct Effects {
        static func like(video: Video, using useCase: LikeVideoUseCase) -> Effect<Action, Never> {

        static func dislike(video: Video, using useCase: LikeVideoUseCase) -> Effect<Action, Never> {

ViewModels don't expose their State to public

Instead they fromat into a form their view exactly needs and provide it using @Published properties.

final class VideosListViewModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var videos: [VideoItem] = []
    @Published var isLoading: Bool = false


    init(store: StoreType) {
        self.store = store

            .map {
                $0.map { [unowned self] video in
                    .init(video: video, isLiked: self.store.state.isLiked(videoId: video.id))
            .assign(to: &self.$videos)

            .map {
                switch $0 {
                case .idle, .loaded, .error(_):
                    return false
                case .loading(_):
                    return true
            .assign(to: &self.$isLoading)


They as well wrap store.send(...) into appropriate public methods.

func searchVideos(for searchText: String) {

Environment provides dependencies for ViewModels

Effects of view models should use UseCases provided by Environment. This is basically a way of dependency injection. The Environment is available inside Reducer so we can pass UseCase to Effect as a method argument.

extension VideosListViewModel {
    struct Environment {
        var searchVideos: SearchVideosUseCase

    static var reducer: ReducerType = {
        .init { (state, action, environment) -> Effect<Action, Never> in
            switch action {
            case .onSearch(let searchString):
                state.loading = .loading(searchString)
                return Effects.searchStringPublisher(searchText: searchString, using: environment.searchVideos)

            case .onLoadVideos(let videos):
            case .onAppear:
            case .onLoadVideosError(let error):

extension VideosListViewModel {
    struct Effects {
        static func searchStringPublisher(searchText: String, using useCase: SearchVideosUseCase) -> Effect<Action, Never> {
                .replaceError(with: .onLoadVideosError(.unknown))

UseCase should interact with Repository providing it access to data it needs

struct LikeVideoUseCase {
    var like: (Video) -> AnyPublisher<Bool, Error>
    var dislike: (Video) -> AnyPublisher<Bool, Error>

struct LikeVideoRepository {
    var like: (Video) -> AnyPublisher<Bool, Error>
    var dislike: (Video) -> AnyPublisher<Bool, Error>

extension LikeVideoUseCase {
    static func live(repository: LikeVideoRepository) -> Self {
        .init(like: repository.like, dislike: repository.dislike)

It's intended to allow Repository implementation to be replacable for decoupling and testability (this is also called (I think) Dependency Inversion).

We define concrete repository implementation by using static func receiving concrete implementation as its param

extension LikeVideoRepository {
    static func coreData(repository: CoreDataVideoPersistenceRepository) -> Self {
            like: { video in
                Deferred {
                    Future { promise in
                        do {
                            try repository.saveVideo(video)
                        } catch {
            dislike: { video in
                Deferred {
                    Future { promise in
                        do {
                            try repository.deleteVideo(video)
                        } catch {

extension CoreDataVideoPersistenceRepository {
    static func live(managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext) -> Self {
            saveVideo: { video in
                let savedVideo = CDVideo(context: managedObjectContext)
                savedVideo.id = video.id
                savedVideo.title = video.title
                savedVideo.thumbnailUrl = video.imageThumbnailUrl?.absoluteString
                savedVideo.dateSaved = .init()

                try managedObjectContext.save()
            deleteVideo: { video in
                let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<CDVideo> = CDVideo.fetchRequest()
                fetchRequest.sortDescriptors = [
                    NSSortDescriptor(key: "id", ascending: true)
                fetchRequest.predicate = .init(format: "id == \(video.id)")

                let videos = try managedObjectContext.fetch(fetchRequest)
                videos.forEach {

                try managedObjectContext.save()
            savedVideos: {
                let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<CDVideo> = CDVideo.fetchRequest()
                fetchRequest.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(key: "dateSaved", ascending: true)]
                let videos = try managedObjectContext.fetch(fetchRequest)

                return videos.compactMap {
                    guard let id = $0.id, let title = $0.title else {
                        return nil

                    return .init(
                        id: id,
                        title: title,
                        imageThumbnailUrl: $0.thumbnailUrl.map { URL(string: $0) } ?? nil

Repositories themself can also have dependencies. We can make this layer as deep as we need. Depending on what suits to complexity of our app and how we want the code be testable.

In ViewModels we test only public interfaces, dont touch State, Reducer etc. directly


func testSearchVideosShouldPassSearchedStringToSearchVideosUseCase() {
    var actualSearchString = ""
    let environment = VideosListViewModel.Environment(searchVideos: SearchVideosUseCase(videosMatching: {
        actualSearchString = $0
        return .just([])

    let viewModel = VideosListViewModel(environment: environment)
    let expectedSearchString = "search"

    viewModel.searchVideos(for: expectedSearchString)

    XCTAssertEqual(actualSearchString, expectedSearchString)

By passing mock dependencies we can nicely test Repositories as well


func testLikeShouldCallSaveMethod() throws {
    let exp = expectation(description: "Save method called")
    let repository = CoreDataVideoPersistenceRepository(
        saveVideo: { video in
        deleteVideo: {_ in
            XCTFail("Should not call delete video")
        }, savedVideos: { [] }

    let likeRepository = LikeVideoRepository.coreData(repository: repository)

    let recorder = likeRepository.like(.mock())

    _ = try wait(for: recorder, timeout: 0.1)
    waitForExpectations(timeout: 0.15)

BTW: you are able to come up with these dependencies easily if you do TDD. It by nature forces you to create code which can be easily tested = is well decoupled.


Various concepts that might be interesting to think about:

Creating child stores/states/reducers

For Redux-style state machine I’ve basically copy-pasted Store, Reducer, Feedback  classes from Composable Architecture and did minor adjustments, mostly commented out unneeded code.

But one notable change I made was that I created new Store.scope method:

public func scope<LocalState, LocalAction, LocalEnvironment>(
    toLocalState: @escaping (State) -> (LocalState),
    updateGlobalState: @escaping (inout State, LocalState) -> Void,
    environment: @autoclosure @escaping () -> LocalEnvironment,
    using reducer: Reducer<LocalState, LocalAction, LocalEnvironment>
) -> Store<LocalState, LocalAction> {
    let localStore = Store<LocalState, LocalAction>(
        initialState: toLocalState(self.state),
        reducer: {
            let effect = reducer.run(&$0, $1, environment())
            updateGlobalState(&self.state, $0)
            return effect
    localStore.parentCancellable = self.$state
        .sink { [weak localStore] newValue in
            localStore?.state = toLocalState(newValue)

    return localStore

This method keeps the parent and child state in sync by using two transformations:  1) toLocalState - derives child (local) state from parent (global) state  2) updateGlobalState - updates parent (global) state in place based on changes inside child (local) state

When creating store scope like this, it allows me to:

  • not being forced to decompose child stores based on KeyPath of parent stores (this seems to be a design under which Composable Architecture builds up)
  • I can create and execute child state machine (reducer) on-demand, only when it’s actually needed. As opposed to Composable Architecture which is suggesting to pullback + combine many of small reducers into one huge reducer

I’m wondering why this kind of scope method is not part of Composable Architecture initially. But maybe I’m just missing some key concepts of Redux architectures? I had no prior knowledge of it before writing this code.

Dependencies using Struct instead of Protocols

One of the interesting and (for me) controversial concepts I wanted to try out was to model dependencies using Structs not Protocols. I got motivated for this by talk by Stephen Celis and Composable Architecture uses it too under name Environment. So I tried to follow same principles I’ve seen inside isowords app.

I had mixed feelings about it so I created a PR to compare struct-based and protocol-based approaches. It helped me to clear out some points about it but I still have mixed feelings. Take a look at the PR and make your own opinion. But I guess I'll give it a try on some production app.


We all do like to write unit tests, right? One of the key factors for me is the ease of testability. Which usually tells how well are the code layers separated. So far it seems good to me. I didn’t aim for a huge amount of test coverage. I just wanted to know how the tests can be written when dependencies are modeled as structs.

In ViewModels tests I try to not rely test behavior on the fact that they use Store, Reducers etc. internally because it’s an implementation detail. I want my tests to be still saving my ass in case I would decide to switch from Redux to something else. The only elements which should play the role for ViewModels tests are the @Published properties, methods and Environment providing mock dependencies.

Reference Materials