Solutions to some algorithmic problems from Topcoder, USACO and Codeforces. For actual problem texts, visit the sites themselves. Topcoder (all C++ code) ************************************************** /tc bef160 Only a few problems before SRM160... the Arena was not very friendly back then so it's a pain solving those - and there are plenty of newer ones to solve so there's really no point :) /tc 160+ Solutions to most problems since SRM160. Since some of this is very old code (4+ years), style varies somewhat. Also, a lot of the solutions are based on ideas from the editorials (especially div1 hards and especially solutions from earlier SRM-s). /tc tournaments Some solutions to TCO and TCCO problems, but most are missing. /TCHS TC high school problems and tournaments. USACO (all C++ code) ************************************************** Working my way back towards completing this fun course after forgetting my old password :'( Codeforces (all C++ code) ************************************************** A relatively new competition site, only started doing it recently.
My solutions for some algorithmic problems from Topcoder, USACO etc.