Device Tracker

This project is a Django-based API for managing companies, employees, devices, and transactions.


  • Create,retrieve, update, and delete operations for companies, employees, devices, and transactions.
  • Automated API documentation using Swagger UI and Redoc.
  • Custom API endpoints for various actions.


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone

Install dependencies:

Copy code

pip install -r requirements.txt

Apply database migrations:

Copy code

python migrate

Usage Start the Django development server:

Copy code

python runserver

Visit the following URLs to access the API endpoints and documentation:

API Root: http://localhost:8000/
API Documentation (Swagger UI): http://localhost:8000/swagger/
API Documentation (Redoc): http://localhost:8000/redoc/

Use API endpoints to perform CRUD operations on companies, employees, devices, and transactions.

API Endpoints
Create Company: POST /create_company/
Show Companies: GET /show_company/
Create Employee: POST /create_employee/
Show Employees: GET /show_employee/
Create Device: POST /create_device/
Show Devices: GET /show_device/
Create Transaction: POST /create_transaction/
Show Transactions: GET /show_transaction/

👥 Authors

This project was developed by 👤 Ibrahim Hossain

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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