did:web on GitHub Pages

This implementation generates and publishes a did:web on GitHub Pages.


  • Node.js 18.17.1


Generate and Publish your DID Document

  1. Fork and Clone this repository
  2. Setup your config file (./src/config.json)
      "REPOSITORY": "did-web-on-gh-pages"
  3. Generate DID Document
    • NOTE: This command generates a private key in keys/jwk.json. DO NOT SHARE OR PUBLISH PRIVATE KEY
    npm install
    npm run generate
  4. Publish your GitHub pages with DID Document
  5. Resolve generated DID:web in Universal Resolver

DEMO: generate jwt and verify with did-jwt

  • After setting up and publishing your did document, you can run the demo.
    • It generates a jwt with the generated private key and verifies it by resolving the did of the issuer of the jwt.
    npm run demo