
simple tool to track and wishlist yout owned Tonies

Primary LanguagePython


For parents, friends, relatives, or anyone looking to gift a Tonie to a beloved child, it's essential to know the child's interests and how many Tonies they already have in their collection.

To solve this challenge, we can provide detailed information about the Tonies the child is interested in and the number of Tonies they already own. and here comes the clue.

Introducing TONIEDEX - an app designed to help you manage your Tonies collection with ease.


  • Track All Owned Tonies: Keep a detailed record of all the Tonies you own.
  • Wishlist Favorite Tonies: Easily mark your favorite Tonies to keep track of what you'd like to add to your collection.
  • Blacklist Unliked Tonies: Exclude Tonies you don't enjoy from your wishlist.
  • Buyer Checklist: Create a checklist for those purchasing Tonies from your wishlist, ensuring no duplicates.
  • Click to Buy or Refer: Directly purchase Tonies with a click or use referral links to the official website for more options.
  • More Features Coming Soon: Stay tuned for additional features to enhance your Tonies experience.

Disclaimer: Projektzweck und Nutzungshinweis

Dieses Projekt wurde mit dem Ziel erstellt, meine Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse als Bewerber für zukünftige Arbeitsmöglichkeiten zu demonstrieren. Es ist nicht für kommerzielle Zwecke bestimmt, noch soll es auf öffentlichen Plattformen wie GitHub zur Vermarktung oder Veröffentlichung bereitgestellt werden. Jegliche Ähnlichkeiten mit realen Produkten oder Dienstleistungen sind rein zufällig. Dieses Projekt dient ausschließlich zur persönlichen Demonstration und sollte nicht als offizielles Angebot oder Produkt betrachtet werden.


Disclaimer: Project Purpose and Usage NoticeThis project was created with the aim of showcasing my skills and knowledge as an applicant for future job opportunities. It is not intended for commercial purposes, nor should it be made available for marketing or publication on public platforms such as GitHub. Any similarities to real products or services are purely coincidental. This project is solely for personal demonstration and should not be considered an official offer or product.