
Files and script used for Cloud Native Rejekts Valencia devworkspace demo

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Supporting slides


Install the DevWorkspace Operator

It can be installed as a standalone operator or it gets installed with the Web Terminal or OpenShift Dev Spaces. The following instructions have been tested with DevWorkspace Operator v0.19.

Deploy the editors definitions

The following commands create the DevWorkspacesTemplates that define the IDEs: vim, vscode and intellij.

$ kubectl apply -f ./editors-contributions/

Iteratively setup a cloud dev environment

Containerized dev tools and source code

kubectl apply -f ./dw1.yaml && \
  kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready dw/dw --timeout=300s && \
  export POD=`kubectl get pod -l "controller.devfile.io/devworkspace_name=dw" -o jsonpath={.items[].metadata.name}`
  printf "\nBuild in the remote dev environment:\n\n\tkubectl exec -ti ${POD} -- bash -c \'cd \${PROJECT_SOURCE} && mvn clean install\'\n\n"

Add the IDE: VS Code

kubectl apply -f ./dw2.yaml && \
  kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready dw/dw --timeout=300s && \
  export IDE=`kubectl get dw dw -o jsonpath={.status.mainUrl}` && \
  printf "\nOpen VS Code in your browser with the following link:\n\n\t${IDE}\n\n"

And now vim...

kubectl patch dw dw \
     --type merge \
     -p '{ "spec": { "contributions": [ {"name": "editor", "kubernetes": { "name": "vim" } } ] } }' && \
  sleep 2 && \
  kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready dw/dw --timeout=300s && \
  export IDE=`kubectl get dw dw -o jsonpath={.status.mainUrl}` && \
  printf "\nOpen VIM in your browser with the following link:\n\n\t${IDE}\n\n"

And intelliJ...

kubectl patch dw dw \
     --type merge \
     -p '{ "spec": { "contributions": [ {"name": "editor", "kubernetes": { "name": "intellij" } } ] } }' && \
  sleep 2 && \
  kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready dw/dw --timeout=300s && \
  export IDE=`kubectl get dw dw -o jsonpath={.status.mainUrl}` && \
  printf "\nOpen IntelliJ in your browser with the following link:\n\n\t${IDE}\n\n" 

Add pre-configured commands to build and test the application

kubectl apply -f ./dw3.yaml && ./scripts/dw-restart.sh

Add a postgres container to run e2e tests

kubectl apply -f ./dw4.yaml

Cloud dev environment configuration


$ ./auto-mount/kubeconfig.sh

bashrc and PS1

$ kubectl apply -f ./auto-mount/bashrc.yaml 


export GITHUB_LOGIN="<gh-login>"
export GITHUB_TOKEN="<gh-token>"
export GIT_USER_EMAIL="<email>"
export GIT_USER_NAME="<name>"

$ ./auto-mount/gitconfig.sh

Persist ~/.m2


Change the dev tools image

Build the container image with the devtools

$ IMAGE="quay.io/mloriedo/universal-developer-image:ubi8-dw-demo"
$ docker build -t "${IMAGE}" -f Dockerfile.dev .
$ docker push "${IMAGE}"


kubectl delete dw dw
kubectl delete cm git-config dotfiles-config
kubectl delete secret git-credentials kube-config
kubectl delete dwt vs-code intellij vim