do we want to run multiuser Che?
<REPO LOCATION>/deploy/openshift/ --run-ocp --deploy-che --deploy-che-plugin-registry --multiuser
- build sometimes fails for some reason
- build is very long, but restarting preserves cached layers
cd theia-build
bash ./
- Build, pull and retag all needed images with
- add ocp to path
- run OCP with Che deployed with ''
- create folder with name equal to an ID of your plugin or editor:
mkdir my-cool-plugin
- create folder with name equal to the version of your plugin or editor:
mkdir my-cool-plugin/0.0.1
- create meta.yaml file in
withecho "" > my-cool-plugin/0.0.1/meta.yaml
- put next fields to your meta.yaml:
- id
- version
- url
- upload your meta.yaml to the registry:
oc cp ./my-cool-plugin/ $(oc get pods --selector="deploymentconfig=che-plugin-registry" --no-headers=true -o