Bootstrap 5 Basic Paginations with PHP and Mysql:
Tools Used for this project:
SublimeText (code editor):
Bitnami MAMP Stack (localhost dev):
Github Desktop (Code Repository Management):
Bootstrap 5 (Framework): (5.3.0-alpha3)
Font Awesome 6 (Icons): (6.4.0)
Bootstrap 5 Basic Paginations with PHP and Mysql:
Author - ic-myXMB
Notice: This project is submitted and shared "AS IS" in the hopes that folks may find it of some use and hopefully see it as a starting point to continue on with further and improve upon.
Description: Various basic Pagination (Examples / Tuts) Using Bootstrap 5, PHP and MySQL
Project Links:
Alphabetical Paginations Examples:
Alphabetical Pagination:
Alphabetical Pagination as (Select):
Standard Paginations Examples:
Standard Pagination:
Standard Pagination as (Select):