pylons SDK

pylons SDK provides packages to build blockchain games on pylons eco system.

Setup development environment

git clone
brew install pre-commit
brew install golangci/tap/golangci-lint
go get -u
pre-commit install

SDK publish preparation

Check fixture test works fine

make fixture_tests

All the features added should have fixture test and it should be well documented.

How to implement fixture test using fixture test SDK

As in cmd/fixture_test/fixture_test.go you can add single *_test.go file and add flag parser, register default action runners, custom action runners and run test scenarios.

package fixturetest

import (

	inttestSDK ""
	fixturetestSDK ""

var runSerialMode bool = false
var useRest bool = false
var useKnownCookbook bool = false

func init() {
	flag.BoolVar(&runSerialMode, "runserial", false, "true/false value to check if test will be running in parallel")
	flag.BoolVar(&useRest, "userest", false, "use rest endpoint for Tx send")
	flag.BoolVar(&useKnownCookbook, "use-known-cookbook", false, "use existing cookbook or not")

func TestFixturesViaCLI(t *testing.T) {
	fixturetestSDK.FixtureTestOpts.IsParallel = !runSerialMode
	fixturetestSDK.FixtureTestOpts.CreateNewCookbook = !useKnownCookbook
	if useRest {
		inttestSDK.CLIOpts.RestEndpoint = "http://localhost:1317"
	// Register custom action runners
	// fixturetestSDK.RegisterActionRunner("custom_action", CustomActionRunner)
	fixturetestSDK.RunTestScenarios("scenarios", t)


Fixture Test Package

Integration Test Utils Package

No Type Name Description
1 Fn CLIOpts CLIOpts is a variable to manage pylonscli options.CustomNode is for custom node tcp endpoint and RestEndpoint is for custom node http endpoint.
2 Fn CleanFile CleanFile is a function to remove file
3 Fn GenTxWithMsg GenTxWithMsg is a function to generate transaction from msg
4 Fn GetAccountAddr GetAccountAddr is a function to get account address from key
5 Fn GetAccountInfoFromName GetAccountInfoFromName is a function to get account information from account key
6 Fn GetActionRunner GetActionRunner get registered action runner function
7 Fn GetAminoCdc GetAminoCdc is a utility function to get amino codec
8 Fn GetDaemonStatus GetDaemonStatus is a function to get daemon status
9 Fn GetHumanReadableErrorFromTxHash GetHumanReadableErrorFromTxHash is a function to get human readable error from txhash
10 Fn GetItemByGUID GetItemByGUID is to get Item from ID
11 Fn ListItemsViaCLI ListItemsViaCLI is a function to list items via cli
12 Fn ReadFile ReadFile is a utility function to read file
13 Fn RegisterActionRunner RegisterActionRunner registers action runner function
14 Fn RegisterDefaultActionRunners RegisterDefaultActionRunners register default test functions.
15 Fn RunActionRunner RunActionRunner execute registered action runner function
16 Fn RunPylonsCli RunPylonsCli is a function to run pylonscli
17 Fn SendMultiMsgTxWithNonce SendMultiMsgTxWithNonce is an integration test utility to send multiple message transaction from a single sender, single signed transaction.
18 Fn TestTxWithMsgWithNonce TestTxWithMsgWithNonce is a function to send transaction with message and nonce
19 Fn WaitAndGetTxData WaitAndGetTxData is a function to get transaction data after transaction is processed
20 Fn WaitAndGetTxData WaitAndGetTxData is a function to get transaction data after transaction is processed
21 Fn WaitForNextBlock WaitForNextBlock is a function to wait until next block

Handlers struct package


No Type Name Description
1 Struct CheckExecutionResp CheckExecutionResp is the response for checkExecution
2 Struct CreateCBResponse CreateCBResponse is a struct of create cookbook response
3 Struct CreateRecipeResponse CreateRecipeResponse is struct of create recipe response
4 Struct ExecuteRecipeResp ExecuteRecipeResp is the response for executeRecipe
5 Struct ExecuteRecipeScheduleOutput ExecuteRecipeScheduleOutput is a struct that shows how execute recipe schedule output works
6 Struct FiatItemResponse FiatItemResponse is a struct to control fiat item response
7 Struct FulfillTradeResp FulfillTradeResp is a struct to control fulfill trade response
8 Struct GetParamsForPopularRecipe GetParamsForPopularRecipe is a function to get popular recipe's attributes
9 Struct PopularRecipeType PopularRecipeType is a type for popular recipes
10 Struct UpdateItemStringResp UpdateItemStringResp is a struct to control update item string response

Msgs package

Msg structs

No Type Name Description
1 Struct MsgCheckExecution MsgCheckExecution defines a CheckExecution message
2 Struct MsgCreateCookbook MsgCreateCookbook defines a CreateCookbook message
3 Struct MsgCreateRecipe NewMsgCreateRecipe a constructor for CreateRecipe msg
4 Struct MsgCreateTrade MsgCreateTrade defines a CreateTrade message
5 Struct MsgDisableRecipe MsgDisableRecipe defines a DisableRecipe message
6 Struct MsgDisableTrade MsgDisableTrade defines a DisableTrade message
7 Struct MsgEnableRecipe MsgEnableRecipe defines a EnableRecipe message
8 Struct MsgEnableTrade MsgEnableTrade defines a EnableTrade message
9 Struct MsgExecuteRecipe MsgExecuteRecipe defines a SetName message
10 Struct MsgFiatItem MsgFiatItem is a msg struct to be used to fiat item
11 Struct MsgFulfillTrade NewMsgFulfillTrade a constructor for FulfillTrade msg
12 Struct MsgGetPylons MsgGetPylons defines a GetPylons message
13 Struct MsgSendPylons MsgSendPylons defines a SendPylons message
14 Struct MsgUpdateCookbook MsgUpdateCookbook defines a UpdateCookbook message
15 Struct MsgUpdateItemString MsgUpdateItemString defines a UpdateItemString message
16 Struct MsgUpdateRecipe MsgUpdateRecipe defines a UpdateRecipe message

Msg Utility functions

No Type Name Description
1 Constant DefaultCostPerBlock DefaultCostPerBlock the amount of pylons to be charged by default
2 Fn NewMsgCheckExecution NewMsgCheckExecution a constructor for CheckExecution msg
3 Fn NewMsgCreateCookbook NewMsgCreateCookbook a constructor for CreateCookbook msg
4 Fn NewMsgCreateRecipe NewMsgCreateRecipe a constructor for CreateRecipe msg
5 Fn NewMsgCreateTrade NewMsgCreateTrade a constructor for CreateTrade msg
6 Fn NewMsgDisableTrade NewMsgDisableTrade a constructor for DisableTrade msg
7 Fn NewMsgExecuteRecipe NewMsgExecuteRecipe a constructor for ExecuteCookbook msg
8 Fn NewMsgFiatItem NewMsgFiatItem a constructor for MsgFiatItem msg
9 Fn NewMsgFulfillTrade NewMsgFulfillTrade a constructor for FulfillTrade msg
10 Fn NewMsgGetPylons NewMsgGetPylons is a function to get MsgGetPylons msg from required params
11 Fn NewMsgUpdateItemString NewMsgUpdateItemString is a function to get MsgUpdateItemString msg from required params

Type structs

No Type Name Description
1 Constant BasicTier BasicTier is the cookbook tier which doesn't allow paid receipes which means the developers cannot have receipes where they can actually carge a fee in pylons.
2 Struct CoinInputList CoinInputList is a list of Coin inputs
3 Struct CoinOutput CoinOutput is the game elements that are needs as output to a recipe
4 Struct Cookbook Cookbook is a struct that contains all the metadata of a cookbook
5 Struct DoubleInputParam DoubleInputParam describes the bounds on an item input/output parameter of type float64
6 Struct DoubleInputParamList DoubleInputParamList is a list of DoubleInputParam
7 Struct EntriesList EntriesList is a struct to keep list of items and coins
8 Struct Execution Execution is a recipe execution used for tracking the execution #### specifically a scheduled execution
9 Struct FloatString FloatString is a wrapper to resolve the amino issues
10 Struct Item Item is a tradable asset
11 Struct ItemInput ItemInput is a wrapper struct for Item for recipes
12 Struct ItemInputList ItemInputList is a list of ItemInputs for convinience
13 Struct ItemList ItemList is a list of items
14 Struct ItemModifyParams ItemModifyParams describes the fields that needs to be modified
15 Struct LongInputParam LongInputParam describes the bounds on an item input/output parameter of type int64
16 Struct LongInputParamList LongInputParamList is a list of LongInputParam
17 Struct PremiumTier PremiumTier the cookbook tier which does allow paid receipes
18 Struct Recipe Recipe is a game state machine step abstracted out as a cooking terminology
19 Struct StringInputParam StringInputParam describes the bounds on an item input/output parameter of type string
20 Struct StringInputParamList StringInputParamList is a list of StringInputParam
21 Struct Trade Trade is a construct to perform exchange of items and coins between users. Initiated by the sender and completed by the FulFiller.
22 Struct TradeList TradeList is a list of trades
23 Struct WeightedOutputsList WeightedOutputsList is a struct to keep items which can be generated by weight

Type Utility functions

No Type Name Description
1 Fn GenCoinInputList GenCoinInputList is a utility function to genearte coin input list
2 Fn GenEntries GenEntries is a function to generate entries from coin name and item name
3 Fn GenEntriesFirstItemNameUpgrade GenEntriesFirstItemNameUpgrade is a function to generate entries that update first item's name
4 Fn GenItemInputList GenItemInputList is a utility function to genearte item input list
5 Fn GenItemOnlyEntry GenItemOnlyEntry is a utility function to generate item only entry
6 Fn GenOneOutput GenOneOutput is a function to generate output with one from entry list
7 Fn NewPylon NewPylon Returns pylon currency

App package


MakeCodec make codec for message marshal/unmarshal

Queriers package


ExecResp is the response for ListExecutions


ItemResp is the response for Items