pylons SDK provides packages to build blockchain games on pylons eco system.
git clone
brew install pre-commit
brew install golangci/tap/golangci-lint
go get -u
pre-commit install
make fixture_tests
As in cmd/fixture_test/fixture_test.go
you can add single *_test.go
file and add flag parser, register default action runners, custom action runners and run test scenarios.
package fixturetest
import (
inttestSDK ""
fixturetestSDK ""
var runSerialMode bool = false
var useRest bool = false
var useKnownCookbook bool = false
func init() {
flag.BoolVar(&runSerialMode, "runserial", false, "true/false value to check if test will be running in parallel")
flag.BoolVar(&useRest, "userest", false, "use rest endpoint for Tx send")
flag.BoolVar(&useKnownCookbook, "use-known-cookbook", false, "use existing cookbook or not")
func TestFixturesViaCLI(t *testing.T) {
fixturetestSDK.FixtureTestOpts.IsParallel = !runSerialMode
fixturetestSDK.FixtureTestOpts.CreateNewCookbook = !useKnownCookbook
if useRest {
inttestSDK.CLIOpts.RestEndpoint = "http://localhost:1317"
// Register custom action runners
// fixturetestSDK.RegisterActionRunner("custom_action", CustomActionRunner)
fixturetestSDK.RunTestScenarios("scenarios", t)
No | Type | Name | Description |
1 | Fn | CLIOpts | CLIOpts is a variable to manage pylonscli options.CustomNode is for custom node tcp endpoint and RestEndpoint is for custom node http endpoint. |
2 | Fn | CleanFile | CleanFile is a function to remove file |
3 | Fn | GenTxWithMsg | GenTxWithMsg is a function to generate transaction from msg |
4 | Fn | GetAccountAddr | GetAccountAddr is a function to get account address from key |
5 | Fn | GetAccountInfoFromName | GetAccountInfoFromName is a function to get account information from account key |
6 | Fn | GetActionRunner | GetActionRunner get registered action runner function |
7 | Fn | GetAminoCdc | GetAminoCdc is a utility function to get amino codec |
8 | Fn | GetDaemonStatus | GetDaemonStatus is a function to get daemon status |
9 | Fn | GetHumanReadableErrorFromTxHash | GetHumanReadableErrorFromTxHash is a function to get human readable error from txhash |
10 | Fn | GetItemByGUID | GetItemByGUID is to get Item from ID |
11 | Fn | ListItemsViaCLI | ListItemsViaCLI is a function to list items via cli |
12 | Fn | ReadFile | ReadFile is a utility function to read file |
13 | Fn | RegisterActionRunner | RegisterActionRunner registers action runner function |
14 | Fn | RegisterDefaultActionRunners | RegisterDefaultActionRunners register default test functions. |
15 | Fn | RunActionRunner | RunActionRunner execute registered action runner function |
16 | Fn | RunPylonsCli | RunPylonsCli is a function to run pylonscli |
17 | Fn | SendMultiMsgTxWithNonce | SendMultiMsgTxWithNonce is an integration test utility to send multiple message transaction from a single sender, single signed transaction. |
18 | Fn | TestTxWithMsgWithNonce | TestTxWithMsgWithNonce is a function to send transaction with message and nonce |
19 | Fn | WaitAndGetTxData | WaitAndGetTxData is a function to get transaction data after transaction is processed |
20 | Fn | WaitAndGetTxData | WaitAndGetTxData is a function to get transaction data after transaction is processed |
21 | Fn | WaitForNextBlock | WaitForNextBlock is a function to wait until next block |
No | Type | Name | Description |
1 | Struct | CheckExecutionResp | CheckExecutionResp is the response for checkExecution |
2 | Struct | CreateCBResponse | CreateCBResponse is a struct of create cookbook response |
3 | Struct | CreateRecipeResponse | CreateRecipeResponse is struct of create recipe response |
4 | Struct | ExecuteRecipeResp | ExecuteRecipeResp is the response for executeRecipe |
5 | Struct | ExecuteRecipeScheduleOutput | ExecuteRecipeScheduleOutput is a struct that shows how execute recipe schedule output works |
6 | Struct | FiatItemResponse | FiatItemResponse is a struct to control fiat item response |
7 | Struct | FulfillTradeResp | FulfillTradeResp is a struct to control fulfill trade response |
8 | Struct | GetParamsForPopularRecipe | GetParamsForPopularRecipe is a function to get popular recipe's attributes |
9 | Struct | PopularRecipeType | PopularRecipeType is a type for popular recipes |
10 | Struct | UpdateItemStringResp | UpdateItemStringResp is a struct to control update item string response |
No | Type | Name | Description |
1 | Struct | MsgCheckExecution | MsgCheckExecution defines a CheckExecution message |
2 | Struct | MsgCreateCookbook | MsgCreateCookbook defines a CreateCookbook message |
3 | Struct | MsgCreateRecipe | NewMsgCreateRecipe a constructor for CreateRecipe msg |
4 | Struct | MsgCreateTrade | MsgCreateTrade defines a CreateTrade message |
5 | Struct | MsgDisableRecipe | MsgDisableRecipe defines a DisableRecipe message |
6 | Struct | MsgDisableTrade | MsgDisableTrade defines a DisableTrade message |
7 | Struct | MsgEnableRecipe | MsgEnableRecipe defines a EnableRecipe message |
8 | Struct | MsgEnableTrade | MsgEnableTrade defines a EnableTrade message |
9 | Struct | MsgExecuteRecipe | MsgExecuteRecipe defines a SetName message |
10 | Struct | MsgFiatItem | MsgFiatItem is a msg struct to be used to fiat item |
11 | Struct | MsgFulfillTrade | NewMsgFulfillTrade a constructor for FulfillTrade msg |
12 | Struct | MsgGetPylons | MsgGetPylons defines a GetPylons message |
13 | Struct | MsgSendPylons | MsgSendPylons defines a SendPylons message |
14 | Struct | MsgUpdateCookbook | MsgUpdateCookbook defines a UpdateCookbook message |
15 | Struct | MsgUpdateItemString | MsgUpdateItemString defines a UpdateItemString message |
16 | Struct | MsgUpdateRecipe | MsgUpdateRecipe defines a UpdateRecipe message |
No | Type | Name | Description |
1 | Constant | DefaultCostPerBlock | DefaultCostPerBlock the amount of pylons to be charged by default |
2 | Fn | NewMsgCheckExecution | NewMsgCheckExecution a constructor for CheckExecution msg |
3 | Fn | NewMsgCreateCookbook | NewMsgCreateCookbook a constructor for CreateCookbook msg |
4 | Fn | NewMsgCreateRecipe | NewMsgCreateRecipe a constructor for CreateRecipe msg |
5 | Fn | NewMsgCreateTrade | NewMsgCreateTrade a constructor for CreateTrade msg |
6 | Fn | NewMsgDisableTrade | NewMsgDisableTrade a constructor for DisableTrade msg |
7 | Fn | NewMsgExecuteRecipe | NewMsgExecuteRecipe a constructor for ExecuteCookbook msg |
8 | Fn | NewMsgFiatItem | NewMsgFiatItem a constructor for MsgFiatItem msg |
9 | Fn | NewMsgFulfillTrade | NewMsgFulfillTrade a constructor for FulfillTrade msg |
10 | Fn | NewMsgGetPylons | NewMsgGetPylons is a function to get MsgGetPylons msg from required params |
11 | Fn | NewMsgUpdateItemString | NewMsgUpdateItemString is a function to get MsgUpdateItemString msg from required params |
No | Type | Name | Description |
1 | Constant | BasicTier | BasicTier is the cookbook tier which doesn't allow paid receipes which means the developers cannot have receipes where they can actually carge a fee in pylons. |
2 | Struct | CoinInputList | CoinInputList is a list of Coin inputs |
3 | Struct | CoinOutput | CoinOutput is the game elements that are needs as output to a recipe |
4 | Struct | Cookbook | Cookbook is a struct that contains all the metadata of a cookbook |
5 | Struct | DoubleInputParam | DoubleInputParam describes the bounds on an item input/output parameter of type float64 |
6 | Struct | DoubleInputParamList | DoubleInputParamList is a list of DoubleInputParam |
7 | Struct | EntriesList | EntriesList is a struct to keep list of items and coins |
8 | Struct | Execution | Execution is a recipe execution used for tracking the execution #### specifically a scheduled execution |
9 | Struct | FloatString | FloatString is a wrapper to resolve the amino issues |
10 | Struct | Item | Item is a tradable asset |
11 | Struct | ItemInput | ItemInput is a wrapper struct for Item for recipes |
12 | Struct | ItemInputList | ItemInputList is a list of ItemInputs for convinience |
13 | Struct | ItemList | ItemList is a list of items |
14 | Struct | ItemModifyParams | ItemModifyParams describes the fields that needs to be modified |
15 | Struct | LongInputParam | LongInputParam describes the bounds on an item input/output parameter of type int64 |
16 | Struct | LongInputParamList | LongInputParamList is a list of LongInputParam |
17 | Struct | PremiumTier | PremiumTier the cookbook tier which does allow paid receipes |
18 | Struct | Recipe | Recipe is a game state machine step abstracted out as a cooking terminology |
19 | Struct | StringInputParam | StringInputParam describes the bounds on an item input/output parameter of type string |
20 | Struct | StringInputParamList | StringInputParamList is a list of StringInputParam |
21 | Struct | Trade | Trade is a construct to perform exchange of items and coins between users. Initiated by the sender and completed by the FulFiller. |
22 | Struct | TradeList | TradeList is a list of trades |
23 | Struct | WeightedOutputsList | WeightedOutputsList is a struct to keep items which can be generated by weight |
No | Type | Name | Description |
1 | Fn | GenCoinInputList | GenCoinInputList is a utility function to genearte coin input list |
2 | Fn | GenEntries | GenEntries is a function to generate entries from coin name and item name |
3 | Fn | GenEntriesFirstItemNameUpgrade | GenEntriesFirstItemNameUpgrade is a function to generate entries that update first item's name |
4 | Fn | GenItemInputList | GenItemInputList is a utility function to genearte item input list |
5 | Fn | GenItemOnlyEntry | GenItemOnlyEntry is a utility function to generate item only entry |
6 | Fn | GenOneOutput | GenOneOutput is a function to generate output with one from entry list |
7 | Fn | NewPylon | NewPylon Returns pylon currency |
MakeCodec make codec for message marshal/unmarshal
ExecResp is the response for ListExecutions
ItemResp is the response for Items