
Nerdfont-Icons for Svelte.js

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Nerdfont SVG-Icons for Svelte.js



npm install --save svelte-nerdfonts


  import Icon from 'svelte-nerdfonts';
  import { vim } from 'svelte-nerdfonts/icons/dev';
  import { heart } from 'svelte-nerdfonts/icons/mdi';

<Icon data={vim} />
<Icon data={heart} />

(See cheatsheet to find the icons you are looking for)


Icons can be imported directly from an Iconset or from a combined module prefixed with the name of the iconset.

The iconnames are camelcased versions of the nerdfonts cssclassnames.

// nerd-fonts classname: .nf-linux-archlinux
// all examples will import the same icon

import { default as linuxArchlinux } from 'svelte-nerdfonts/icons/linux/archlinux';
import { archlinux } from 'svelte-nerdfonts/icons/linux';
import { linuxArchlinux } from 'svelte-nerdfonts/icons';

Note: The compiletime depends on the size of the imported iconset. Example 1 will be fastest as it only has to import on iconfile.

Supported Iconsets

  • svelte-nerdfonts/icons all icons (prefixed)
  • svelte-nerdfonts/icons/custom Custom
  • svelte-nerdfonts/icons/dev Devicons
  • svelte-nerdfonts/icons/fa Font Awesome
  • svelte-nerdfonts/icons/fae Font Awesome Extension
  • svelte-nerdfonts/icons/iec IEC Power Symbols
  • svelte-nerdfonts/icons/indentation
  • svelte-nerdfonts/icons/linux Font Linux
  • svelte-nerdfonts/icons/mdi Material Design
  • svelte-nerdfonts/icons/oct Octicons
  • svelte-nerdfonts/icons/pl Powerline Symbols
  • svelte-nerdfonts/icons/ple PowerLine Extra Symbols
  • svelte-nerdfonts/icons/pom Pomicons
  • svelte-nerdfonts/icons/seti Seti UI
  • svelte-nerdfonts/icons/weather Weather Icons

fzf.vim completion

If you are using vim/neovim with fzf.vim you can install the svelte_nerdfonts.vim plugin to find, import and add icons more efficently.

Install with vim-plug

Plug 'icalvin102/svelte-nerdfonts', { 'rtp': 'vim' }

Or install the vim directory manually.

The plugin will give you the :SNFAddImport and :SNFAddIcon commands which are mapped to <leader>si and <leader>sI by default.

  • :SNFAddImport Find icons and add ESM import statements.
  • :SNFAddIcon Search through imported icons and add Icon component

Multiple selection is possible with Tab (select down) and Shift+Tab (select up). Press Enter to confirm and insert the selected icons into your buffer.

Note: Install a nerd-font for icon-previews in the fzf output



$ git clone https://github.com/icalvin102/svelte-nerdfonts.git
$ cd svelte-nerdfonts
$ npm run setup

svelte-nerdfonts uses icalvin102/nerdconvert to generate the icons. This needs python and fontforge to be installed on your machine.


If the dependencies are installed you can simply run:

npm run generate


python nerdconvert.py -o es icons/ --fields iconname paths viewbox

(see nerdconvert#usage for more details)