
Name : Soureesh Patil

MIS : 111803178

Title : Inventory Management System

Problem statement :

Design an inventory system for a store manager with functionalities of inspecting and managing store, receive and interpreting orders, maintaining income.

Functionalities :-

  1. System is able to maintain products in stock and regulate them
  2. Accepting orders
  3. Track orders
  4. Add notes
  5. Regulate customers
  6. Maintain income record
  7. Add Shippers

Technology Stack:-

  1. Python Flask
  2. MySQL
  3. HTML
  4. CSS
  5. JS

Procedure to Run :-

1. Install all the dependencies mentioned above.
2. Fork and clone this repo.
3. cd into the project folder
4 run ddl and dml scripts to create database (eg:- in MySQL workbench )
5. change database credentials in app.py 
6. flask run