
Wordpress and WooCommernce

To run the wordpress site locally,

  1. Download xampp server and wordpress first.
  2. Extract the wordpress folder under xampp/htdocs folder
  3. Start the xampp control panel and run apache and mysql services from it
  4. Create a database for your website at http://localhost/phpmyadmin/index.php
  5. Setup the wordpress at the url localhost/<database-name>
  6. After configuring the wordpress basic template site will be active 🔥
  7. Inside admin panel on the wordpress site install Woo Commerce plugin. WooCommerce provides rich product management facilities.
  8. Cusom themes and other features can be adapted by using serveral plugins as per choice.

NOTE:- Some functionalities don't work locally hence, use a standard hosting solution to discover all the features.


To run the website locally,
Download the zip from here for reference. This is completely optional and the same result can be achieved by installing plugins on wordpress site built using above instructions.


  1. Home Page

  2. Shop Page

  3. Category and Tags

  4. Cart

  5. Checkout


  1. Mutliple product categories

  2. Dynamic page generation based on product tags and categories

  3. Filtering and searching

  4. Account management

  5. Cart, coupon codes and checkout interfaces

  6. Dynamic tax calculation

  7. Product review and contact forms