
Primary LanguageJavaScript

README - Documentation

A Letter to Santa 🎅

This is a simple web application allows registered children to send messages to Santa. I made this to match the specifications, and make it simple no overengineering.

Table of Contents

  1. Project Overview
  2. Prerequisites & Dependencies
  3. Installation & Usage
  4. Architecture
  5. BackEnd
  6. API Endpoints
  7. FrontEnd
  8. Configuration
  9. Testing
  10. Deployment
  11. Future Improvements

1. Project Overview

This Santa Letter Application is a web-based system that allows registered children to send messages to Santa Claus. It includes features for submitting request, validate child, and sending emails with simple queue.

Key Features

  • Child request submission
  • Age and registration validation
  • Periodic email sending for pending message requests
  • RESTful API for request management

2. Prerequisites & Dependencies:

  • Node.js (v16 or later)
  • npm (v8 or later)
  • Modern browser (Chrome, chromium, firefox)
  • Ethereal email https://ethereal.email/, username password given in the .env.example


Server Dependencies

  • dotenv: For loading environment variables
  • express: Web application framework
  • morgan: HTTP request logger middleware
  • http: Node.js HTTP module
  • path: Node.js path module
  • uuid: to Generate unique identifiers
  • concurrently: Runs multiple commands concurrently.
  • jest: JavaScript testing framework.
  • nodemon: Monitors for changes and automatically restarts the server.

FrontEnd Dependencies

  • @hookform/resolvers: Provides validation resolvers for react-hook-form.
  • @reduxjs/toolkit: A set of tools to simplify Redux development.
  • react and react-dom: Core React libraries.
  • react-hook-form: Library for managing form state in React.
  • react-redux: Official React bindings for Redux.
  • yup: JavaScript schema builder for value parsing and validation.
  • @testing-library/jest-dom and @testing-library/react: Testing utilities for React.
  • @types/* packages: TypeScript type definitions for various libraries.
  • @vitejs/plugin-react: Vite plugin for React projects.
  • jest: JavaScript testing framework.
  • jsdom: JavaScript implementation of web standards for use with Node.js.
  • typescript: Adds static typing to JavaScript.
  • vite: Build tool and development server.
  • vitest: Vite-native unit test framework.

npm packages added

  • nodemailer: to send the email
  • jest: testing module
  • uuid: generate uid for the message sent to santa

and updates all the package version

3. Installation & Usage

Via Glitch

  1. Login to glitch: make sure you are logged in to glitch.com

  2. Clone: Go to this URL: https://glitch.com/~js-santa-app and click the Remix your own button to clone the code. This will copy all the code to a new, randomly generated URL (e.g. https://glitch.com/edit/#!/capable-toothpaste).

  3. Code: You can edit the code directly in the Glitch editor or use your editor of choice (VSCode, Sublime, etc) and copy paste the files into Glitch. Git import and export is also available in the Tools menu on the bottom left. How you edit the code is entirely up to you, so long as your finished work is viewable at the URL created in the previous step.

NOTE: Click Show in the header to see your app live. Updates to your code will instantly deploy and update live.

Direct from github

  1. Clone the repository:
  git clone git@github.com:icanq/santa-apps.git
  1. Install dependencies
npm install


  1. create .env you can paste from the .env.example

Running the Application

Development Mode

Start both client and server

npm run start

Server only

npm run start:server

Client only

npm run start:client

Production Mode

Build the client:

npm run build

Since server written using JS we don't need to build it.


Run tests with

server test

npm run test:server

client test

npm run

Generate coverage

npm run test:coverage

To simply access the coverage we can see in


4. Architecture

This app follows a client and server architecture:

  • BackEnd: Node.js with Express.js; written in JS
  • FrontEnd: React with Typescript; Build with Vite
  • Database: In memory storage (only for demo)
  • Test: Backend (Jest); Frontend (Jest + Vitest)

5. BackEnd

5.1 Server setup

The main server file set up the Express application, configure middlewares, and define API routes. And handle email sending in pending requests, and using proxy for development.

5.2 Santa Service

This service manages the core business logic to:

  1. Validating the incoming requests
  2. Add new requests
  3. Retrieve the pending requests

5.3 Santa Controller

This controller manage HTTP Requests and responses for the related santa operations:

  1. Submit request
  2. Get Pending request

5.4 Email Utils

This manage sending email functionality using nodemailer:

  1. Send periodic email from the pending requests
  2. Configurable SMTP settings

6. API Endpoints Overview

  • GET /api/health: To check if the server health (run check)
  • GET /api/santa/pending: Retrieve all pending requests to santa
  • POST /api/santa/request: Send Message to santa

7. FrontEnd

This implements basic react setup with ReduxToolkit for state management and displaying responses or errors in the app

7.1 Santa Form Component

A form component for submitting requests to Santa, including input validation and character count using rtk and react-hooks-form

7.2 Redux Setup

  • store configuration: client/src/config/redux/store/index.ts
  • root reducer: client/src/config/redux/store/rootReducer.ts
  • santa slice: client/src/config/redux/slices/santaSlice.ts

As the application grows we can modify the santa slice, or creating new slice for new features.

7.3 API service

Defines API endpoints using RTK-Query for interacting with backend (client/src/services/santaApi.ts); as the app grows we can create new api service in this folder

8. Configuration

  • Environment variables are defined in .env.example
  • Vite configuration: vite.config.ts
  • TypeScript configuration: tsconfig.json and tsconfig.node.json
  • Test configuration: jest.config.js and vitest.config.ts

9. Testing

9.1 Backend Tests

Controller tests: server/__tests__/santa.controller.test.js Service tests: server/__tests__/santa.service.test.js Route tests: server/__tests__/santa.routes.test.js

9.2 Frontend Tests

App component test: client/__tests__/App.test.tsx SantaForm component test: client/src/components/SantaForm/SantaForm.test.tsx Footer component test: client/src/components/Footer/Footer.test.tsx


In this project it only setup for coverage in server, to run the coverage we can use

npm run test:coverage

10. Deployment

This app is already compatible withglitch.com. to deploy just follow simple steps:

  1. Login to glitch: make sure you are logged in to glitch.com

  2. Clone: Go to this URL: https://glitch.com/~sphenoid-coral-coelurus and click the Remix your own button to clone the code. This will copy all the code to a new, randomly generated URL (e.g. https://glitch.com/edit/#!/capable-toothpaste).

11. Future Improvements

  1. Implement persistent storage (e.g., database) for requests
  2. Add user authentication for enhanced security
  3. Improve frontend UI/UX with more interactive features
  4. Implement rate limiting to prevent abuse
  5. Add more comprehensive error handling and logging
  6. Enhance email templates for better readability
  7. Implement continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipeline (idk how to do this in glitch)


The client and server are running parallel using concurrently. somehow, everytime glitch run it will choose the first port that run. And this will make the hot reload in vite not working correctly, but it's working fine in local environment, idk how to fix this since the time is very limited. i notice that user bugs.bunny birthdate format is different, i turn it into YYYY/mm/dd format.