
Docker recipe for meshalyzer

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Docker container for meshalyzer.


The purpose of the program is to quickly analyze and report on both general characteristics and four topological attributes of meshes. Running meshalyzer on a mesh file will provide enough information in a single report to determine if the mesh will fail as input to any of the manipulation processes described in this project.

Docker image

The Docker image can be found here.

To pull the image from Dockerhub

docker pull icaoberg/meshalyzer



docker run -i -t icaoberg/meshalyzer -help

Example 1

docker run -v /Users/icaoberg/code/docker-meshalyzer/mesh_tools/meshalyzer/examples/example0.mesh:/home/murphylab/example0.mesh -t icaoberg/meshalyzer example0.mesh


    # orphan vertices: none
    # missing vertices: none
    # degenerate faces: none
    # duplicate vertex indices: none
    # duplicate face indices: none
    contiguous vertex indexing from 1: no
    contiguous vertex indexing from 1: bad index and +/- 2
    contiguous vertex indexing from 1: NA NA 2 3 4
    contiguous face indexing from 1: yes


    mesh is closed: yes
    mesh is manifold: yes
    mesh has consistently oriented face normals: yes
    mesh has outward oriented face normals: yes


    # vertices: 5400
    # faces: 10796
    # edges: 16194
    # components: 1
    # boundaries: none
    # indistinguishable vertices: none
    object area: [(data units)^2]
    object area: 5.65393e+06
    object volume: [(data units)^3]
    object volume: 3.23708e+08
    object genus: 0
    bounding box: [data units]
    bounding box: [xmin,ymin,zmin][xmax,ymax,zmax]
    bounding box: [5177.54,1860.61,5282.46][6445.44,7514.34,6767.43]
    # edges with indistinguishable vertices: none
    # intersecting faces: none

    Vertex adjacent face statistics [faces]:
       min      4
       max      10
       median   6
       mean     5.99778
       variance 0.918684

    Vertex adjacent face histogram [faces]:
          0 - 0            :         0  |         8 - 8           :       273
          1 - 1            :         0  |         9 - 9           :        35
          2 - 2            :         0  |        10 - 10          :         6
          3 - 3            :         0  |        11 - 11          :         0
          4 - 4            :       174  |        12 - 12          :         0
          5 - 5            :      1550  |        13 - 13          :         0
          6 - 6            :      2151  |        14 - 14          :         0
          7 - 7            :      1211  |        15 - 15          :         0

    Face area statistics [(data units)^2]:
       min      263.671
       max      1514.96
       median   498.289
       mean     523.706
       variance 19306.4

    Face area histogram [(data units)^2]:
          0 - 0            :         0  |     486.7 - 523.7       :      1200
          0 - 264.3        :         1  |     523.7 - 560.8       :      1084
      264.3 - 301.4        :        51  |     560.8 - 597.8       :       844
      301.4 - 338.4        :       344  |     597.8 - 634.9       :       663
      338.4 - 375.5        :       773  |     634.9 - 671.9       :       561
      375.5 - 412.5        :      1171  |     671.9 - 709         :       382
      412.5 - 449.6        :      1316  |       709 - 746         :       307
      449.6 - 486.7        :      1332  |       746 - 1515        :       767

    Face aspect ratio statistics [unitless]:
       min      1.15902
       max      9.02351
       median   1.64641
       mean     1.7489
       variance 0.211206

    Face aspect ratio histogram [unitless]:
      1.155 - 1.5          :      3482  |        15 - 25          :         0
        1.5 - 2            :      5075  |        25 - 50          :         0
          2 - 2.5          :      1587  |        50 - 100         :         0
        2.5 - 3            :       457  |       100 - 300         :         0
          3 - 4            :       160  |       300 - 1000        :         0
          4 - 6            :        27  |      1000 - 10000       :         0
          6 - 10           :         8  |     10000 - 100000      :         0
         10 - 15           :         0  |    100000 -             :         0
      (Aspect ratio is longest edge divided by shortest altitude)

    Edge length statistics [data units]:
       min      21.4836
       max      94.4644
       median   35.1986
       mean     36.0494
       variance 59.3395

    Edge length histogram [data units]:
          0 - 0            :         0  |        34 - 36.05       :      1705
          0 - 21.67        :         3  |     36.05 - 38.1        :      1636
      21.67 - 23.72        :       181  |      38.1 - 40.16       :      1408
      23.72 - 25.78        :       833  |     40.16 - 42.21       :      1148
      25.78 - 27.83        :      1223  |     42.21 - 44.27       :       956
      27.83 - 29.89        :      1504  |     44.27 - 46.32       :       692
      29.89 - 31.94        :      1609  |     46.32 - 48.37       :       507
      31.94 - 34           :      1749  |     48.37 - 94.46       :      1040

    Edge angle statistics [degress]:
       min      93.215
       max      313.614
       median   180
       mean     181.402
       variance 116.359

    Edge angle histogram [degress]:
          0 - 0            :         0  |     178.5 - 181.4       :      8854
          0 - 161.3        :       399  |     181.4 - 184.3       :       954
      161.3 - 164.1        :       162  |     184.3 - 187.2       :       766
      164.1 - 167          :       222  |     187.2 - 190         :       577
        167 - 169.9        :       318  |       190 - 192.9       :       479
      169.9 - 172.8        :       427  |     192.9 - 195.8       :       304
      172.8 - 175.6        :       661  |     195.8 - 198.7       :       284
      175.6 - 178.5        :       901  |     198.7 - 313.6       :       886

Support for CellOrganizer has been provided by grants GM075205, GM090033 and GM103712 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, grants MCB1121919 and MCB1121793 from the U.S. National Science Foundation, by a Forschungspreis from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and by the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies.


Copyright © 2007-2019 by the Murphy Lab at the Computational Biology Department in Carnegie Mellon University