
Json de/serialization made for consistency

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


De/serialize json for consistency!

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const mySerializer = new Serializer(resource, configuration, options);


resource (string): Name of the resource being serialized

configuration (Object): Configuration for serialisation

options (Object): Extra options for the serializer (optional)


  • attributes (Array): attributes to serialize


  • case: Convert the case of the keys of data
  • Undefined: Doesn't convert the case
  • camelCase: Converts keys to camelCase
  • snake_case: Converts keys to snake_case
  • kebab-case: Converts keys to kebab-case


Returns an instance of a custom serializer, ready to use for serializing data.

Serializer instance


mySerializer.serialize(data, configuration);


data (Object|Array): Dataset to serialize.

configuration (Object): Configuration for serialisation

  • totalCount (Number) *optional: When serializing an array, the totalCount is part of the meta object. If no totalCount is configured, the length of the provided dataset is used.

Besides totalCount, configuration may be used to extend the meta response object with arbitrary keys. The type key however, cannot be overwritten.


Returns a serialized data respresentation of the given data.




error (Object|Array): Error(s) to serialize.

const errors = ErrorSerializer.serialize([error]);


  • errors (Object): object containing multiple errors.

Every error can have these properties:

status required
title required
id optional
code optional, application specific
detail optional
meta optional
  "errors": [
      "id": "ba4b9f14-5b83-4dfd-ac46-1c3868e1b3ec",
        "status": 400,
        "code": "2006",
        "title": "Article not found",
        "detail": "Article with id 892bb574-090d-4d63-a5b5-cb928d5f5c5f not found",
        "meta": {
          "stack": "NotFoundError: ..."


Basic example

Create a serializer

const { Serializer } = require('jsonade');

const userSerializer = new Serializer('user', {
  attributes: ['firstName', 'lastName', 'address'],
  address: {
    attributes: ['street', 'number'],

Serialize a single resource

const data = {
  firstName: 'John',
  lastName: 'Doe',
  age: 27,
  address: {
    street: 'Markt',
    number: '100',
    city: 'Zonnedorp',
    country: 'Belgium',

const result = userSerializer.serialize(data);

// result:
// {
//   meta: {
//     type: 'user'
//   },
//   data: {
//     firstName: 'John',
//     lastName: 'Doe',
//     address: {
//       street: 'Markt',
//       number: '100',
//     }
//   }
// }

Serialize a list of resources

const data = [
	  firstName: 'John',
	  lastName: 'Doe',
	  age: 27,
	  address: {
	    street: 'Markt',
	    number: '100',
	    city: 'Zonnedorp',
	    country: 'Belgium',
	}, {
	  firstName: 'Jessie',
	  lastName: 'Doe',
	  age: 26,
	  address: {
	    street: 'Marketstreet',
	    number: '101',
	    city: 'Sunvillage',
	    country: 'United Kingdom',

const result = userSerializer.serialize(data, { totalCount: 91 });

// result:
// {
//   meta: {
//     type: 'user',
//     count: 2,
//     totalCount: 91
//   },
//   data: [
//     {
//       firstName: 'John',
//       lastName: 'Doe',
//       address: {
//         street: 'Markt',
//         number: '100'
//       }
//     },
//     { ... },
//   ]
// }

Extend the meta object

const data = [
	  firstName: 'John',
	  lastName: 'Doe',
	  age: 25,
	  address: {
	    street: 'Markt',
	    number: '100',
	    city: 'Zonnedorp',
	    country: 'Belgium',
	}, {
	  firstName: 'Jessie',
	  lastName: 'Doe',
	  age: 27,
	  address: {
	    street: 'Marketstreet',
	    number: '101',
	    city: 'Sunvillage',
	    country: 'United Kingdom',

const result = userSerializer.serialize(data, { totalCount: 91, averageAge: 26 });

// result:
// {
//   meta: {
//     type: 'user',
//     count: 2,
//     totalCount: 91
//     averageAge: 26
//   },
//   data: [
//     {
//       firstName: 'John',
//       lastName: 'Doe',
//       address: {
//         street: 'Markt',
//         number: '100'
//       }
//     },
//     { ... },
//   ]
// }

Example using a nested serializer

const { Serializer } = require('jsonade');

const addressSerializer = new Serializer('address', {
  attributes: ['street', 'number'],

const userSerializer = new Serializer('user', {
  attributes: ['firstName', 'lastName', 'address'],
  address: addresssSerializer,

const data = {
  firstName: 'John',
  lastName: 'Doe',
  age: 27,
  address: {
    street: 'Markt',
    number: '100',
    city: 'Zonnedorp',
    country: 'Belgium',

const result = userSerializer.serialize(data);

// result:
// {
//   meta: {
//     type: 'user'
//   },
//   data: {
//     firstName: 'John',
//     lastName: 'Doe',
//     address: {
//       street: 'Markt',
//       number: '100'
//     }
//   }
// }

Example using a case option

const { Serializer } = require('jsonade');

const userSerializer = new Serializer(
  { attributes: ['firstName', 'lastName', 'age', 'greeting'] },
  { case: 'snake_case' },

const data = {
  firstName: 'John',
  lastName: 'Doe',
  age: '27',

const result = userSerializer.serialize(data);

// result:
// {
//   meta: {
//     type: 'user'
//   },
//   data: {
//     first_name: 'John',
//     last_name: 'Doe',
//     age: '27 years old'
//     greeting: 'Hello, I\'m John Doe',
//   }
// }

Example using a function to transform one property

const { Serializer } = require('jsonade');

const userSerializer = new Serializer('user', {
  attributes: ['firstName', 'lastName', 'age', 'greeting'],
  age: val => `${val} years old`,
  greeting: (v, data) => `Hello, I'm ${data.firstName} ${data.lastName}`,

const data = {
  firstName: 'John',
  lastName: 'Doe',
  age: '27',

const result = userSerializer.serialize(data);

// result:
// {
//   meta: {
//     type: 'user'
//   },
//   data: {
//     firstName: 'John',
//     lastName: 'Doe',
//     age: '27 years old'
//     greeting: 'Hello, I\'m John Doe',
//   }
// }

Example serializing an error

const { ErrorSerializer } = require('jsonade');
const errorResponse = ErrorSerializer.serialize(ex);


This project is licensed under the ISC License - see the LICENSE.md file for details