
This is the repository of the Simple Atom SO lib

Primary LanguageC#

Simple Atoms for Unity


We can use Unity ScriptableObjects (SOs) to store data in a game project, following a Data Driven architecture. Thus, a MonoBehaviour script A do not need depend on another MonoBehaviour B. They can use the data that are stored in a SO X. On the Unity Editor, all scripts that need any information stored in X, can reference this using a property and can be configured already in a prefab.

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How to Install

In your Unity Project, open the Package Manager window, click on + Add git repository and put the follow url to use the current package:

Case you want to use a specific version, use the follow url changing the version:

How to work Simple Atoms (SA) lib

The Simple Atoms (SA) is divided in 3 types of classes: variables, events, listeners. The listeners are subdivided in two subtypes: variable listeners and event listeners.


We create the main variable types used in Unity, but you can create all others types that you need. Variables are Scriptable Objects. We create the types:

  • IntVariable
  • FloatVariable
  • BoolVariable
  • StringVariable
  • GameObjectVariable

They inherit from BaseVariable class. Below how the IntVariable is defined:

[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "SimpleAtoms/Variables/Int")]
public class IntVariable : BaseVariable<int>

To create a custom Variable Class, you need follow the steps

  • the custom class needs to intherit from BaseVariable and change the type between to its own type.
  • the menuName must be changed

So, the Custom class will be thus:

[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "SimpleAtoms/Variables/Custom")]
public class CustomVariable : BaseVariable<Custom>


We also create the main events types used in Unity, adding the void type. Events are Scriptable Objects.

  • IntEvent
  • FloatEvent
  • BoolEvent
  • StringEvent
  • GameObjectEvent
  • VoidEvent (specific case when none value is need to be fired)

You can create a Custom Event class thus:

[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "SimpleAtoms/Events/Custom")]
public class CustomEvent : BaseEvent<Custom>


There are two types of listeners: Variable Listeners and Event Listeners. Listeners are MonoBehaviours classes.

Event Listener

Event Listeners are components that listen for a Event. You can create a FloatEventListener to listen for a FloatEvent. In other words, when the FloatEvent is fired, the FloatEventListener listen for this event and fire its response (Unity Event).

You can create a Event Listener thus:

[AddComponentMenu("Simple Atoms/Listener/Events/Custom")]
public class CustomEventListener : BaseEventListener<Custom>

Variable Listener

Variable Listeners are components that listen for a event via a Variable. In other words, when the value of a Variable changes the listener fire its response (Unity Event). This component can to force a event to occurs initialization (forceEventOnRegister property).

You can create a Variable Listener thus:

[AddComponentMenu("Simple Atoms/Listener/Variables/Custom")]
public class CustomVariableListener : BaseVariableListener<Custom>


In the Simple Atom project, there are examples in the scene folder:

  • Example 1 - Float Listeners
  • Example 2 - Void Listener


Now (1.1.*) it is possible to use the generator to create new Simple Atoms types. Tools->Simple Atoms -> Create New Atom Type

  • Inform type: i.e double
  • Inform the namespace when necessary
  • Check what type you want create: variable, event, listeners

A complete implementation of Atoms

If you need a complete implementation of Atoms with many use cases, then you can use the Unity Atoms.

Unity Atoms
