Azure Exporter for Scrapy

Scrapy feed export storage backend for Azure Storage.


  • Python 3.8+


pip install git+


  • Add this storage backend to the FEED_STORAGES Scrapy setting. For example:

    FEED_STORAGES = {'azure': 'scrapy_azure_exporter.AzureFeedStorage'}
  • Configure authentication via any of the following settings:

    • AZURE_ACCOUNT_URL & AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY - If using this method, specify both of them.

    For example,

    AZURE_ACCOUNT_URL = "https://<your-storage-account-name>"
    AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY = "Account key for the Azure account"
  • Configure in the FEEDS Scrapy setting the Azure URI where the feed needs to be exported.

    FEEDS = {
        "azure://<account_name><container_name>/<file_name.extension>": {
            "format": "json"

Write mode and blob type

The overwrite feed option is False by default when using this feed export storage backend. An extra feed option is also provided, blob_type, which can be "BlockBlob" (default) or "AppendBlob". See Understanding blob types. The feed options overwrite and blob_type can be combined to set the write mode of the feed export:

  • overwrite=False and blob_type="BlockBlob" create the blob if it does not exist, and fail if it exists.
  • overwrite=False and blob_type="AppendBlob" append to the blob if it exists and it is an AppendBlob, and create it otherwise.
  • overwrite=True overwrites the blob, even if it exists. The blob_type must match that of the target blob.