Symmetry Optimizer

Project developed under the request of Michael Smith on Upwork.

This program will attempt to find the most symmetrical orientation for a set of pictures.


  • Linux, MAC or Ubuntu subsystem for Windows (In case you're running it on Windows).
  • Python3
  • pip


Python requirements

With pip installed and in the project directory, run:

pip -r install requirements.txt


There are three python scripts available. They are:, and Examples of usage are available in the .sh files. The file is a module and it isn't intended to run on its own.

usage: [-h] [--input_folder INPUT_FOLDER] [--ncolor NCOLOR] [--output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER] [--search_ratio SEARCH_RATIO] [--csv CSV]

Finds rigid transformation symmetries in pictures on x and y axes.

arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --input_folder INPUT_FOLDER Input folder with pictures. --ncolor NCOLOR Number of colors to be used. --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER Output folder. --search_ratio SEARCH_RATIO Number from 0 to 1 for the search box. --csv CSV Path to save csv metadata.

usage: [-h] [--input_folder INPUT_FOLDER] [--output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER] [--scale_height SCALE_HEIGHT]

Resizes pictures.

arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --input_folder INPUT_FOLDER Input folder with pictures. --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER Output folder. --scale_height SCALE_HEIGHT Height of the final pictures.

usage: [-h] [--input_folder INPUT_FOLDER] [--output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER] [--keyword_left KEYWORD_LEFT] [--keyword_right KEYWORD_RIGHT] [--bgr BGR] [--bgg BGG] [--bgb BGB]

Joins pictures side-by-side horizontally.

arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --input_folder INPUT_FOLDER Input folder with pictures. --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER Output folder. --keyword_left KEYWORD_LEFT Keyword for pictures to be placed on the left. --keyword_right KEYWORD_RIGHT Keyword for pictures to be placed on the right. --bgr BGR Red value of background color (from zero to one). --bgg BGG Green value of background color (from zero to one). --bgb BGB Blue value of background color (from zero to one).
