
Code and data to reproduce the results of the ICN'13 paper "Hash-routing Schemes for Information Centric Networking"

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Reproduce results of hash-routing paper (ACM SIGCOMM ICN '13)

This repository contains all the required data and code explain to reproduce the results and plot the graphs presented in the paper:

L.Saino, I. Psaras and G. Pavlou, Hash-routing Schemes for Information Centric Networking, in Proc. of the 3rd ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Information Centric Networking (ICN'13), Hong Kong, China, August 2013. [PDF], [BibTex]

Installation and usage

The procedure presented here has been tested only on Ubuntu 12.04. However, it should work fine on most recent versions as well.

First of all, you need to make sure you have al Icarus dependencies installed. To do so, run the setup.sh script located in this directory.

$ sh setup.sh

Depending on the configuration of your machine, you may need superuser access to run it.

After all dependencies have been correctly installed you can run simulations and reproduce results by running the run.sh script located in this directory.

$ sh run.sh

This script does not require superuser access. It will run all simulations automatically, save all log files and plot all graphs of the paper.

The logs will be saved in the logs directory, while the graphs will be saved in the graphs directory.

If you want to change the configuration of the program, e.g. the range of parameters tested, the number of CPU cores used and so on, please look at the file icarus/config.py. It contains all the configuration parameters and it is well commented.

Note well

The code used to reproduce the results of the hash-routing paper is based on an older version of the Icarus simulator which, although well tested and fairly documented, is no longer maintained. This code should therefore be used only to reproduce the results shown in the paper. If you wish to run simulations using different parameters or implement new models, it is recommended that you use the latest version of the Icarus simulator, which you can download from the Icarus website

Log file specifications

For each single scenario run, if logging.LOG_EVERYTHING configuration variable is set to True, then the simulator generates four log files:

  • RESULTS_SCENARIO-ID_CACHE.txt: Tab-separated values, one line per cache event (cache hit, server hit etc..)
  • RESULTS_SCENARIO-ID_LINK.txt: Tab-separated values, one line per link event (link X traversed by content Y at time Z etc..)
  • RESULTS_SCENARIO-ID_STRETCH.txt (off-path strategies only): Tab-separated values, path stretch for each content retrieval (useful for plotting stretch CDF)
  • RESULTS_SCENARIO-ID_DELAY.txt (no cache and CEE+LRU strategies only): Tab-separated values, RTT for each content retrieval (useful for plotting RTT CDF)

In addition, regardless of the value of logging.LOG_EVERYTHING, the simulator generates two summary files:

  • SUMMARY_CACHE_HIT_RATIO.txt: each line reports the overall cache hit ratio of a single experiment
  • SUMMARY_NETWORK_LOAD.txt: each line reports the overall link load of a single experiment

Each single experiment appends a line to each of these two files.