This is the official PyTorch and MATLAB implementations of our MICCAI 2020 paper "FocusLiteNN: High Efficiency Focus Quality Assessment for Digital Pathology".
- 1. Brief Introduction
- 2. Dataset
- 3. Prerequest
- 4. Running the code
- 5. Codes for comparing models
- 6. License
[Update Feb. 1, 2023] An online demo can be founed at CODIDO. You can easily try our model with a few mouse clicks. These demo models are trained using the MSE loss.
[Update Jan. 31, 2023]
The original loss used for training all models in the paper is PLCC, which doesn't produce absolute scale scores. This update features three FocusLiteNN (1-kernel, 2-kernel, 10-kernel) models trained with the MSE loss using the entire FocusPath dataset, which produce absolute scale scores. This is beneficial for single image testing and heatmap visualization. The pre-trained models are located at pretrained_model/focuslitenn-{1,2,10}
- Out-of-focus microscopy lens in digital pathology is a critical bottleneck in high-throughput Whole Slide Image scanning platforms, for which Focus Quality Assessment methods are highly desirable to help significantly accelerate the clinical workflows.
- While data-driven approaches such as Convolutional Neural Network based methods have shown great promises, they are difficult to use in practice due to their high computational complexity.
- We propose a highly efficient CNN-based model FocusLiteNN that only has 148 paramters for Focus Quality Assessment. It maintains impressive performance and is 100x faster than ResNet50.
- We introduce a comprehensive annotated dataset TCGA@Focus, which contains 14371 pathological images with in/out focus labels.
Evaluation results on the proposed TCGA@Focus dataset
Our proposed FocusLiteNN (1-kernel) model is highly efficient.
Please cite our paper if you find our model or the TCGA@Focus dataset useful.
title={FocusLiteNN: High Efficiency Focus Quality Assessment for Digital Pathology},
author={Wang, Zhongling and Hosseini, Mahdi and Miles, Adyn and Plataniotis, Konstantinos and Wang, Zhou},
booktitle={Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention -- MICCAI 2020},
publisher="Springer International Publishing"
2.1 TCGA@Focus
- Download: The dataset is available on Zenodo under a Creative Commons Attribution license:
- Content: Contains 14371 pathological image patches of size 1024x1024 with in/out focus labels.
- Testing: This is the testing dataset proposed and used in the paper. The specific testing images (14371 images) can be found in
2.2 Focuspath Full
Download: The dataset is available on Zenodo under a Creative Commons Attribution license:
Content:Contains 8640 pathological image patches of size 1024x1024 of different microscopic blur levels i.e. 14 z-levels (in-depth).
Training: This is the training dataset used in the paper. The specific training images (5200 images) in one of the ten folds can be found in
The code has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04
with Python 3.8
and cuda 10.2
, torchvision=0.5
, scipy
, pandas
, pillow
(or pillow-simd
- Pretrained models could be found in folder
- Pretrained models for ResNet10, ResNet50 and ResNet101 are available for download at Download Link. The downloaded models should be put under
- Available architectures:
- FocusLiteNN (1kernel,
--arch FocusLiteNN --num_channel 1
) - FocusLiteNN (2kernel,
--arch FocusLiteNN --num_channel 2
) - FocusLiteNN (10kernel,
--arch FocusLiteNN --num_channel 10
) - EONSS (
--arch eonss
) - DenseNet13 (
--arch densenet13
) - ResNet10 (
--arch resnet10
) - ResNet50 (
--arch resnet50
) - ResNet101 (
--arch resnet101
- FocusLiteNN (1kernel,
- You may need to adjust
according to your machine configuration. - This section only shows basic usages, please refer to the code for more options.
python --arch FocusLiteNN --num_channel 1 --img imgs/TCGA@Focus_patch_i_9651_j_81514.png
The score should be -1.548026 for
To enable heatmap (normalized), add
--heatmap True
to the command.
run matlab/FocusLiteNN-1kernel.m
4.3 Training FocusLiteNN on Focuspath_full
- Download and extract the Focuspath Full dataset under
- Basic usage:
python --use_cuda True --arch FocusLiteNN --num_channel 1 --trainset "data/FocusPath Full/FocusPath_full" --train_csv data/FocusPath_full_split1.txt
4.4 Testing FocusLiteNN on TCGA@Focus
- Download and extract the TCGA@Focus dataset under
- Basic usage:
python --use_cuda True --arch FocusLiteNN --num_channel 1 --ckpt_path pretrained_model/ --testset "data/TCGA@Focus/Image Patches Database" --test_csv data/TCGA@Focus.txt
For other model compared in the paper, you can find the code in
- FQPath:
- HVS-MaxPol:
- Synthetic-MaxPol:
- GPC:
- MLV:
FocusLiteNN is released under The Prosperity Public License 3.0.0.