
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

ICCAD Contest Platform


The official contest platform for ICCAD'22 contest problem C: Microarchitecture Design Space Exploration of ICCAD Contest.


1. Platform Structure
2. Getting Started
3. Run Example Experiments
4. Microprocessor Microarchitecture Design Space
5. Dataset
6. Prepare Your Submission
7. Evaluate Your Submission
8. Contact

1. Platform Structure

The entire platform structure is as shown below.

├── README.md
├── docs                                             # documents
│   └── iccad-contest-problem.pdf
├── example_optimizer                                # example optimizer
│   ├── gp-configs.json
│   ├── gp-optimizer.py
│   ├── lr-offline-optimizer.py
│   ├── lr-online-optimizer.py
│   ├── random-search-optimizer.py
│   └── random-search-w-early-stopping-optimizer.py
├── iccad_contest                                    # platform core modules
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── abstract_optimizer.py
│   ├── contest-dataset                              # dataset & microarchitecture design space
│   │  ├── README.md
│   │  ├── __init__.py
│   │  ├── contest.csv
│   │  └── design-space.xlsx
│   ├── design_space_exploration.py
│   ├── functions
│   │  ├── __init__.py
│   │  ├── dataset.py
│   │  ├── design_space.py
│   │  ├── hypervolume.py
│   │  └── problem.py
│   ├── utils
│   │  ├── __init__.py
│   │  ├── arguments.py
│   │  ├── basic_utils.py
│   │  ├── constants.py
│   │  ├── numpy_utils.py
│   │  ├── path_utils.py
│   │  └── serialize.py
│   └── version.py
├── misc
│   ├── alpha.png
│   ├── score.png
│   └── theta.png
├── requirements                                    # environment requirements
│   ├── base.in
│   ├── base.txt
│   ├── docs.in
│   ├── docs.txt
│   ├── ipynb.in
│   ├── ipynb.txt
│   ├── optimizers.in
│   └── optimizers.txt
├── setup.py
└── tools
    ├── build-iccad-contest-platform.sh
    └── integration-test.sh

Highlights of the contest platform:

  • iccad_contest/design_space_exploration.py: core functions implementations.
  • iccad_contest/contest-dataset: dataset & microarchitecture design space specification.
  • example_optimizer: example optimizer collections.

2. Getting Started

Hardware Requirements

The contest platform does not have any strict hardware requirements. General hardware might be enough.

Software Requirements

The minimum software dependencies include:



Option 1: Install the pip3 package.

$ pip3 install iccad-contest==0.1.3 # the latest version: v0.1.3

Option 2: Install the source code.

$ git clone https://github.com/iccad-contest/iccad-contest-platform 

3. Run Example Experiments

3.1 Get Started with a Simple Case of the Random Search

3.1.1 Change the Working Path:

$ cd /path/to/example_optimizer # the path depends on whether you use 'pip3' or 'git' to fetch the platform.

3.1.2 Check the Help Menu:

$ python3 random-search-optimizer.py -h
usage: random-search-optimizer.py [-h] [-o OUTPUT_PATH] [-u UUID] [-s SOLUTION_SETTINGS] [-q NUM_OF_QUERIES]

ICCAD'22 Contest Platform - solutions evaluation

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT_PATH, --output-path OUTPUT_PATH
                        contest output path specification
  -u UUID, --uuid UUID  universally unique identifier (UUID) specification
                        solution submission specification
  -q NUM_OF_QUERIES, --num-of-queries NUM_OF_QUERIES
                        the number of queries specification

--output-path: specifies a directory path to store all output information.

--uuid: specifies an universally unique identifier (UUID) as a random seed.

--solution-settings: if your implementation contains some Dict-like mapping settings, you need to organize these settings as a JSON file. You specify the file path with --solution-settings (please see Get Started with a Simple Case of Building a Gaussian Process Regression Model).

--num-of-queries: specify how many times to issue an access to the dataset.

Notice that you should specify --num-of-queries for your submission. --num-of-queries is related to tuning your model with good convergence. More --num-of-queries can incur more overall running time (ORT) since you require more access times to the dataset. A good algorithm can find better Pareto frontiers with less --num-of-queries, i.e., your solution uses less time cost.

3.1.3 A Simple Case to Start the Random Search

The example commad is as shown below.

$ python3 random-search-optimizer.py -o output -u "00ef538e88634ddd9810d034b748c24d" -q 10

The generated outputs are as shown below.

├── log
│   └── 00ef538e88634ddd9810d034b748c24d.log
└── summary
    └── 00ef538e88634ddd9810d034b748c24d.rpt

The command specifies output as the directory path to store all generated information. It uses the UUID 00ef538e88634ddd9810d034b748c24d as a random seed. It issues 10 times to access the dataset. The results are generated to output directory. You can check the summary reports for the random search in output/summary, and log information in output/log.

We compare the Pareto hypervolume and the overall running time (ORT) for your submissions with a set of pre-determined UUIDs.

For the illustration of Pareto hypervolume and ORT, please refer to the following paper.

  title={{BOOM-Explorer: RISC-V BOOM microarchitecture design space exploration framework}},
  author={Bai, Chen and Sun, Qi and Zhai, Jianwang and Ma, Yuzhe and Yu, Bei and Wong, Martin DF},
  booktitle={2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference On Computer Aided Design (ICCAD)},

A better solution pertains higher Pareto hypervolume and ORT. Please refer it to Evaluate Your Submission.

3.2 Get Started with a Simple Case of Building a Simple Linear Regression Model

We can build a simple model to do the exploration. The online algorithm can dynamically update the simple model through exploration. We can experimence an online algorithm with a simple linear regression model.

$ python3 lr-online-optimizer.py -o output -u "00ef538e88634ddd9810d034b748c24d" -q 10

Since the codes lr-online-optimizer.py is only for demonstration, so no advanced optimization techniques are utilized.

The offline algorithm cannot update the simple model through exploration, i.e., it is frozen. However, it is often trained on a larger initial dataset, and we can evaluate the model's accuracy using collected data. So the initialization algorithm could be critical for such algorithm design.

We can also experimence an offline algorithm with a simple linear regression model.

$ python3 lr-offline-optimizer.py -o output -u "00ef538e88634ddd9810d034b748c24d" -q 2

In the offline algorithm, -q or --num-of-queries is set to 2 since it often sweeps the design space and conducts only one exploration. More -q or --num-of-queries does not help improve the Pareto hypervolume except for degrading ORT.

3.3 Get Started with a Simple Case of Building a Gaussian Process Regression Model

The example is executed with the following instruction.

$ python3 gp-optimizer.py -o output -s gp-configs.json -u "00ef538e88634ddd9810d034b748c24d" -q 10

In the command, -s or --solution-settings should be specified. The application program interface (API) of GaussianProcessRegressorOptimizer is defined, as shown below,

class GaussianProcessRegressorOptimizer(AbstractOptimizer):
    primary_import = "iccad_contest"

    def __init__(
        design_space: MicroarchitectureDesignSpace,
        optimizer: AbstractOptimizer,
        random_state: int

optimizer, random_state, etc., are corporated into the initialization function, and they can be specified through a JSON file, i.e., gp-configs.json.

	"optimizer": "fmin_l_bfgs_b",
	"random_state": 2022

Such design will provide you with a convenient coding and algorithm tuning experience, i.e., if your solution contains many hyper-parameters, you can specify a set of those hyper-parameters with a single JSON file. Be careful that you need to specify which JSON file to use via the command.

3.4 Get Started with a Simple Case of the Random Search When Applying the Early Stopping Criterion

The example is executed with the following instruction.

$ python3 random-search-w-early-stopping-optimizer.py -o output -u "00ef538e88634ddd9810d034b748c24d" -q 100

You can set self.early_stopping = True in random-search-w-early-stopping-optimizer.py to early stop your optimizer. Hence, the ORT is determined by your early stopping criterion if your early stopping condition is satisfied instead of --num-of-queries.

4. Microarchitecture Design Space

The design space is extracted from the RISC-V BOOM. The dataset is defined using a sheet with xlsx format. The sheet is located at iccad_contest/contest-dataset/design-space.xlsx (Please see Platform Structure. You need Microsoft Excel to open it.). The sheet comprises two sub sheets, i.e., Microarchitecture Design Space and Components. In Microarchitecture Design Space, each component is chosen by an index, which is mapped to a kind of a component structure defined in Components. The number at the end column of Microarchitecture Design Space is the size of the design space. Components holds different definitions of each component. Within each component, idx denotes the index of a kind of structure with respect to the component.

In the platform, a member design_space defined in AbstractOptimizer specifies the microarchitecture design space. design_space.descriptions defines the descriptions of parameterized components for the microarchitecture, and design_space.components_mappings defines each component's structure parameters mappings. For more information about the data structure, please refer to MicroarchitectureDesignSpace defined in iccad_contest/functions/design_space.py.

Some data structures are helpful that you might frequently leverage.

descriptions = {
    "sub-design-1": {
        "Fetch": [1],
        "Decoder": [1],
        "ISU": [1, 2, 3],
        "IFU": [1, 2, 3],

components_mappings = {
    "Fetch": {
        "description": ["FetchWidth"],
        "1": [4]
    "Decoder": {
        "description": ["DecodeWidth"],
        "1": [1]
    "ISU": {
        "description": [
            "MEM_INST.DispatchWidth", "MEM_INST.IssueWidth"
            "MEM_INST.NumEntries", "INT_INST.DispatchWidth",
            "INT_INST.IssueWidth", "INT_INST.NumEntries",
            "FP_INST.DispatchWidth", "FP_INST.IssueWidth",
        "1": [1, 1, 8, 1, 1, 8, 1, 1, 8],
        "2": [1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 6],
        "3": [1, 1, 10, 1, 1, 12, 1, 1, 12]
    "IFU": {
        "description": ["BranchTag", "FetchBufferEntries", "FetchTargetQueue"]
        "1": [8, 8, 16],
        "2": [6, 6, 14],
        "3": [10, 12, 20]

descriptions and components_mappings help to define the design space. We index each design with one integer. The first design is indexed with 1. The second is indexed with 2. The same logic goes for others.

Some functions are helpful that you might frequently leverage.

def idx_to_vec(self, idx):

idx_to_vec transforms an index to a vector. Then, the vector is used to specify a parameter combination defined in Microarchitecture Design Space.

def vec_to_microarchitecture_embedding(self, vec):

vec_to_microarchitecture_embedding transforms an index vector to a microarchitecture embedding, i.e., a feature vector with each element defines a structure of a component for the microprocessor.

If you want to operate with the design space using functions that are not supported by the contest platform, you need to implement them yourself.

5. Dataset

The released dataset is a two-dimensional matrix with the shape of (number of designs for sub-design-1, CONCAT(microarchitecture embedding, performance, power, area, time of the VLSI flow)).

The dataset is a dummy dataset, helping you familiarize yourself with the platform.

The dummy dataset is located in iccad_contest/contest-dataset/contest.csv

microarchitecture embedding: a vector concatenated from components' parameters.

performance: a scalar value denotes the performance of the design (unit: instruction per cycle).

power: a scalar value denotes the power of the design (unit: Watt).

area: a scalar value denotes the area of the design (unit: square micrometer).

time of the VLSI flow: a scalar value denotes the time cost spent to evaluate accurate performance, power, and area values via the VLSI flow.

We will evaluate your submission with the real dataset, measured with commonly-used benchmarks and commercial electronic design automation (EDA) tools. You can evaluate your optimizers with the real dataset, following the guideline of the submission kit. You can evaluate your optimizers with the real dataset, following the guidelines of the submission kit. The submission kit guides you through submitting to our online submission and ranking website. You can see your results on a real dataset, i.e., Pareto hypervolume and ORT. Also, a ranking list is provided to you. You can modify and tune your solutions concerning the released results of your previous submission.

6. Prepare Your Submission

Let us use the random search as an example, i.e., random-search-optimizer.py.

import numpy as np
from typing import List, NoReturn

from iccad_contest.abstract_optimizer import AbstractOptimizer
from iccad_contest.design_space_exploration import experiment
from iccad_contest.functions.design_space import MicroarchitectureDesignSpace

class RandomSearchOptimizer(AbstractOptimizer):
    primary_import = "iccad_contest"

    def __init__(self, design_space: MicroarchitectureDesignSpace):
            Build a wrapper class for an optimizer.
        AbstractOptimizer.__init__(self, design_space)
        self.n_suggestions = 1

    def suggest(self)  -> List[List[int]]:
            Get a suggestion from the optimizer.
            The method returns next guesses. That is, a vector of a vector of integers,
            representing a series of microarchitecture embeddings.
        x_guess = np.random.choice(
            range(1, self.design_space.size + 1),
        return [
            ) for _x_guess in x_guess

    def observe(self, x: List[List[int]], y: List[List[float]]) -> NoReturn:
            Send an observation of a suggestion back to the optimizer.
            `x` is the output of `suggest`. That is, a vector of a vector of integers,
            representing a series of microarchitecture embeddings.
            `y` is the corresponding PPA values (where each `x` is mapped to).

    The main function.
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # please specifiy `experiment` as the main function entry point

You need to implement suggest, and observe functions after you inherit AbstractOptimizer from iccad_contest.abstract_optimizer.

suggest, as the function name shows intuitively, is to provide a suggestion. observe takes action after your optimizer sees the suggestion and corresponding objective values.

You can train a surrogate model, adjust your optimization strategy, etc. x is List[int] and y is List[float] in observe. x are your previous suggestions, and y are the corresponding objective values. The operations of how each element of x is mapped to each element y are hidden by the platform, so you do not need to care about the details. Nevertheless, you need to ensure that each element of x is valid, i.e., each element of x is in the design space. An out of the design space error prompts if an element of x is not in the design space, and the platform will fall back to generate random suggestions in that case. The design space exploration engine will frequently call your suggest, and observe to find better microarchitectures. If you have organized some hyper-parameters to a JSON file and passed the JSON file to the platform, you can check Get Started with a Simple Case of Building a Gaussian Process Regression Model for more information about how to use a JSON file to organize your codes. The submission includes:

  1. Your implemented Python scripts (If your user name is test in the submission and ranking website. So, please name it as test.py)

  2. The number of queries (please name it as num-of-query.txt)

  3. Related JSON configurations leveraged by your algorithm, if any

  4. Dependency packages list for supporting your algorithm execution (please name it as requirements.txt), if any

Before your submission, please use our submission kit to package your answers. The submission kit has provided example submissions for your reference.

7. Evaluate Your Submission

We use Pareto hypervolume and the overall running time (ORT) as evaluation metrics.

As demonstrated in A Simple Case to Start the Random Search, we compare the Pareto hypervolume and the overall running time (ORT) for your submissions with a set of pre-determined UUIDs.

As Dataset introduces, we will evaluate your solution with the real dataset.

The final score is calculated based on your optimizer's average Pareto hypervolume and ORT on a pre-determined series of hidden UUIDs. The calculation is via

the score function,

where alpha is an ORT score baseline, equal to 6, and theta is a pre-defined ORT budget, equivalent to 2625000. The constants are set to align with the de facto microarchitecture design space exploration flow. It is worth noting that if your ORT is six times larger than theta, then your final score will be negative. Hence, a better solution has higher Pareto hypervolume and lower ORT as much as possible.

8. Contact

Please contact baichen.bai@alibaba-inc.com or baichen318@gmail.com for any question, comment, or bug report.