
A Plugin for automating my daily export->compress->copy-into-folder workflow

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense


I realized that I was spending too much time exporting/compressing/copying PNG files. I drank too much coffee and I wrote a Plugin to automate the process.

This is a public version of that Plugin, written as example code with the hope of helping others.

Begin brain dump:


My ideal workflow is as follows:

  1. I hit a single keyboard shortcut in a document.
  2. Sketch determines which exportable layers have changed since the last export.
  3. It exports those layers to a temporary location.
  4. It runs pngcrush/optipng/etc.
  5. It copies the crushed files into my project's build results and/or my Xcode xcassets catalog without me specifying a save location.

Sketch Image Compressor comes close to this, but lacks Step 2 and Step 5.

Setting up Output Paths

Use Example Build System -> Edit Output Path… to specify an output path . This path is relative to the git repository root.

This example contains two Sketch files:

  • ExampleProject/Art/ForWeb.sketch provides artwork for a hypothetical web app. The output path is set to ExampleProject/Web/images (The web app's build system would later copy these to a web server).

  • ExampleProject/Art/ForApp.sketch provides artwork for a hypothetical iOS app at ExampleProject/SingleViewApp. The output path is set to ExampleProject/SingleViewApp/SingleViewApp/Assets.xcassets. During a build, the plug-in will find an existing file in the xcassets folder and overwrite it.

Output paths are persisted using -[MSPluginCommand setValue:forKey:onDocument:] and -[MSPluginCommand valueForKey:onDocument:]. There is a limitation of one output path per document (I always use separate documents for my web resources vs. iOS resources).

The Build Process

In response to a Example Build System -> Build command:

  1. The Plugin determines the full absolute path of the output directory. The output path is loaded via -[MSPluginCommand valueForKey:onDocument:] and path components are removed until a .git folder is found. This path is ultimately passed to the shell script in Step 3.

  2. An array of MSExportRequest objects are created using -[MSDocument allExportableLayers] and +[MSExportRequest exportRequestsFromExportableLayer:exportFormats:useIDForName:]. They are exported to a temporary location via -[MSDocument saveArtboardOrSlice:toFile:].

  3. For each exported file, an NSTask is created which calls the process-png.sh script. The first argument is the image file, the second argument is the absolute output path (from Step 1).

Each shell script task performs the following:

  1. An existing image file is found using find, this allows us to target existing assets in an xcassets directory. If no existing file is found, we will save the crushed PNG file directly to the absolute output path.

  2. The ohSH hash of the existing image file is compared to the ohSH hash of the new image file. If they are the same, we are done.

  3. If they are different (or if no existing file is present): pngcrush, optipng, and zopflipng are ran.

  4. The ohSH hash is written to the crushed PNG file and it is copied to location from Step 4.
